{"id":5807,"date":"2019-07-11T15:00:53","date_gmt":"2019-07-11T09:30:53","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/reconnectenergy.com\/blog\/?p=4777"},"modified":"2019-07-11T15:00:53","modified_gmt":"2019-07-11T09:30:53","slug":"herc-announces-amendments-to-the-renewable-purchase-obligation-regulations-2017","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/reconnectenergy.com\/herc-announces-amendments-to-the-renewable-purchase-obligation-regulations-2017\/","title":{"rendered":"HERC announces amendments to the Renewable Purchase Obligation Regulations 2017"},"content":{"rendered":"

Haryana Electricity Regulatory Commission recently <\/span>announced<\/span><\/a> partial amendments to the (Terms and Conditions for determination of Tariff from Renewable Energy Sources, Renewable Purchase Obligation and Renewable Energy Certificate) Regulations, 2017. This is the second amendment of the regulation. The new changes published are as follows:<\/span>
\nThe entities obliged to abide by these RPO percent include distribution licensee, consumers owning captive power plant and open access consumers including short term open access consumers in Haryana.<\/span>
\nFor RPO of fossil fuel plants based captive plants of 5 MW & above (including co-generation captive 5MW & above) will be required to fulfill the RPO percent of the year the plant was commissioned in. However, RPO of such plants commissioned up to 2018-19 shall be pegged at RPO applicable for the FY 2018-19. Further, as and when the CPP producer adds to the capacity, it will have to provide for additional RPO as obligated in the year in which new capacity is commissioned.\u00a0<\/span>
\nProvision of banking enabled<\/b>:<\/span>
\nBanking of RE power will be allowed for captive\/own use plants on payment of banking charges along with transmission & distribution losses for availing open access. 5% of the power banked (in kind) shall be deducted towards the banking charges.<\/span>
\nThe banked energy will be allowed to be carry forwarded from month to month in the same financial year, but any banked energy unutilized at the end of the financial year shall lapse and no compensation will be provided for it.<\/span>
\nIn case of solar any banked energy unutilized in the last quarter of the financial year will be allowed to be carry forwarded in the next financial year.<\/span>
\nThe banking will be allowed throughout the year, however, the drawl of banked power is not allowed during the peak months (July to mid-October). Also, the drawl of banked power will not be allowed during peak load hours as mentioned in the ToD tariff.<\/span>
\nWheeling & transmission charges to be exempted for the entire life of the project from the date of commissioning for <\/span>all Captive Solar Power Projects <\/b>who have submitted applications to\u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n