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UERC Order on Non Compliance of RPO

UERC Maintains its tough stand for non compliance of RPO. In a recent order the Uttarakhand Electricity Regulatory Commission has directed UPCL to procure non-solar RECs equivalent to 7.50% of unmet non-solar RPO up to FY 2015-16 latest by 31st?July’16. UPCL had submitted the following unmet RPO data to the commission:

The Commission has directed UPCL to meet the overall RPO FOR 2016-17 which is 8% for non solar and 1.5% for solar, either through purchase of energy from RE sources or through purchase of RECs equivalent by March, 2017. The Commission has denied UPCL to continue carrying forward of all the unmet non-solar RPO since, it has failed to tap the available power due to its own dilapidated distribution system for evacuation of power.
Also as mentioned in the order, Non-compliance of RPO will attract action against the officers responsible for compliances of regulations.
Earlier in year 2014, UERC had considered UPCL’s non-compliance as willful contravention of the direction of the Commission and had imposed penalty of Rs.20, 000/- on the Managing Director of UPCL. Thus this seems to be a strict order but in a positive direction which will help in streamlining the REC market overall.
The order can be accessed?here.