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TNERC Proposes Tariff for Wind, Biomass & Bagasse Based Power

The Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission (TNERC) on 26th Sep 2014 has notified separate Consultative papers for determination of tariff’s for Wind, Biomass and Bagasse based power projects. Earlier TNERC extended the validity of tariff for the said three energy sources.
1. Wind power Projects – TNERC through the consultative paper has proposed the tariff for the wind projects at Rs. 3.59 per Unit. The control period is 2 years with tariff period of 25 years.
The commission has also proposed the wheeling, transmission and scheduling and system operation charges to be 40%, as applicable to the conventional power. The cross subsidy charges for the third party open access consumers as proposed to be 50%.
The Consultative paper for the wind projects can be accessed here.
2. Biomass Power Projects – The fixed cost component of Tariff proposed for is given in the table below:

The Variable cost component proposed for FY 2014-15 is Rs.3.61 per unit and for the FY 2015-16 is Rs. 3.79 per unit, the control period is 2 years with the tariff period of 20 years.

The commission has proposed to continue the existing wheeling, transmission & scheduling and system operation charges of 50%, as applicable to the conventional power. The cross subsidy charges for the third party open access consumers as proposed to be 50%. While for the generators who are availing Renewable Energy Certificate (REC), normal transmission charges, wheeling charges and line losses has been proposed. The existing CSS of 50% is proposed to continue for this control period.

The Consultative paper for Biomass projects can be accessed here.

3. Bagasse Power Projects – The proposed fixed cost component is highlighted in the table below:

The Variable cost component proposed for the FY 2014-15 is Rs.2.93/- per unit and for FY 2015-16 is Rs. 3.07/- per unit, the control period has been proposed 2 years with the tariff period of 20 years.

The commission has proposed to continue the existing wheeling, transmission & scheduling and system operation charges of 60%, as applicable to the conventional power. The cross subsidy charges for the third party open access consumers as proposed to be 50%. While for the generators who are availing Renewable Energy Certificate (REC), normal transmission charges, wheeling charges and line losses has been proposed. The existing CSS of 50% is proposed to continue for this control period.

The consultative paper for Bagasse based projects can be accessed?here.

The TNERC has invited comments and suggestions for all the three consultative papers latest by 27th Oct 2014.

Our previous blog post on TN Solar tariff can be read?here.

Contributed by?Dheeraj Babariya.