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Tamil Nadu drafts RPO targets for FY15 & FY16

Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission (TNERC) recently issued a draft order on RPO targets for FY15 & FY16. The following are the targets proposed by the commission:?

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
Year Minimum quantum of total renewable purchase obligation in %age ( in terms of energy in kWh) Minimum quantum of solar renewable purchase obligation in %age out of total renewable purchase obligation mentioned in Column 2 (in terms of energy in kWh)
2014-15 11.00% 2.00%
2015-16 11.00% 2.00%

This implies that obligated entities (Distribution Licensees only) ?in Tamil Nadu will now have to consume a minimum of 9% of non-solar power/RECs and 2% of solar power/RECs to comply with RPO targets in FY15 and FY16. The order is yet to be finalised and comments on the same have been invited no later than 24.02.2014.??

Solar RPO target is a highlight as it has been taken up from currently 0.05 % to 2 %. This shows TN’s strong commitment towards fostering solar generation in the state. Given the fact that a recent judgement by ApTel had set aside state’s ambitious solar policy (for a relevant blogpost – click here), this particular step from TNERC is laudable.

Present draft order can be accessed here.

Previous final RPO order can read by clicking here.