slotted rotors,online slot machines for real money Tue, 21 May 2019 06:24:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Wind and solar – REConnectEnergy 32 32 Haryana announces its final DSM regulations for wind and solar, 2019 Tue, 21 May 2019 06:24:42 +0000 Haryana Electricty Regulatory Commission announced the DSM regulations for wind and solar, 2019 along with the statement of reasons recently post the draft discussion paper in 2018. The summary of the regulations is as below:
Title: Haryana Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement and related matters for Solar and Wind Generation) Regulations, 2019.

  • From the date of publication in the official gazette.
  • Levy and collection of DSM Charges shall commence after six months from the date of publication in the official gazette.

Regulation to be applicable on:
Regulations will apply to all Wind and Solar Energy Generators in Haryana connected to a particular Pooling Sub-Station, or that of an individual Generator connected to some other Sub-Station not be less than 1 MW to the Intra-State Transmission /Distribution System, including those connected through Pooling Sub-Stations, and using the power generated for self-consumption or sale within or outside the State ?combined installed capacity of the Solar or Wind Generators.
Deviation Accounting: The deviation accounting will be carried out based on the Available
Point of forecasting: Pooling sub-stations and /or Intra-state transmission/distribution system.
Aggregation: No provision of Aggregation, unlike AP and Karnataka where it is allowed.
Role of QCA:

  • Meter reading and data collection and its communication, and coordination with the Distribution Licensees, the SLDC and other agencies
  • De-pooling of amount among other generators
  • Settlement of the Deviation Charges specified in these Regulations with the SLDC on behalf of the Generators.


  • 16 revisions to be submitted for both wind and solar generators starting from 0.00 hours of the day.
  • All the revisions are effective from the 4th time-block

Key points:

  • The Deviation Charges shall be paid within ten days from the issuance of the invoice along with a statement of account by the SLDC, failing which an interest of 0.4% per day for each day shall be levied for the period of delay.
  • In case of any curtailment communicated by the SLDC due to line maintenance or other reasons in certain time blocks of a day, the QCA shall be responsible for curtailing the generation at the site and revising the Schedule accordingly, failing which the SLDC shall revise the Schedule as required.

Inter- & Intra-state deviation settlement transactions:

  • Deviations in respect of Inter-State and Intra-State transactions shall be accounted for separately at each Pooling Sub-Station.
  • Inter-State transactions at a Pooling Sub-Station shall be permitted only if the concerned Generator is connected through a separate feeder.
  • The QCA will submit a separate schedule on behalf of the generator for its energy generation to the SLDC and the concerned RLDC.
  • The SLDC will prepare the deviation settlement account for such generator on the basis of measurement of the deviation in the energy injected and its impact at the state periphery.

Deviation Charges for Intra-state sale of power

Deviation Charges for Inter-state sale of power

Deviation charges for under- or over-injection for intra-state transmission and selling/consuming power outside Haryana

Deviation Charges in case of under-injection

Deviation Charges in case of over-injection

*The fixed rate is the PPA rate determined by the commission, in case of multiple PPAs, the fixed rate shall be the weighted average of the PPA rates.
The tentative date for the DSM charges to be levied is supposed to be six months i.e. 1st December 2019, after the regulations get notified in the Gazette.

MPERC announces Amendments to the (Forecasting, Scheduling, Deviation Settlement Mechanism and related matters of Wind and Solar Regulations, 2018 Thu, 07 Mar 2019 07:10:40 +0000 Madhya Pradesh has recently announced the first amendment of the (Forecasting, Scheduling, Deviation Settlement Mechanism and related matters of Wind and Solar generating stations) Regulations, 2018. The commission has invited comments for the same till 14th March 2019. The Commission shall arrange a public hearing, if required, on 15.03.2019 at 11:30 AM at Commission’s Office.
The regulatory commission has also issued the procedure detailed the operating procedure for implementation of MPERC (forecasting, scheduling, deviation settlement mechanism and related matters of wind and solar generating stations) regulations, 2018.
The summary of the amendments in the DSM regulations are as follows:

Principal regulation

Proposed amendments

Regulation 2 (g) ‘Deviation’ in a time-block for a Seller means its total actual injection minus its total ?scheduled generation and for a Buyer means its total actual drawal minus its total scheduled drawal, and shall form part of the State Energy Accounts to be prepared by
Regulation 2 (g) ‘Deviation’ in a time block for a Seller means its total actual injection minus its total scheduled generation.”
Regulation 2 (j) “Gaming’ in relation to these regulations, shall mean intentional misdeclaration of declared capacity by any seller in order to make an undue ?commercial gain through Charge for Deviations; Regulation 2 (j) the word ‘declared’ shall be substituted by the word ‘a(chǎn)vailable’.
Regulation 3 (2) These Regulations shall be applicable to Seller(s) and Buyer(s) involved in the transactions facilitated through short-term open access or medium-term open access or long-term open access in intra-state transmission or distribution of electricity (including intra-state wheeling of power), as the case may be, in respect of all wind generators having a combined installed capacity of 10 MW and above and solar generators with an installed capacity of 5 MW and above including those connected via pooling stations and selling power within or outside the State.
Regulation 3 (2) … Provided that these Regulations shall also be applicable to all wind & solar ?generators selling power outside the State under open access and having a combined installed capacity of 1 MW and above.”
Regulation 4 (7) All State Entities shall make necessary arrangements for putting up suitable meters,
capable of recording energy flows at 15-minutes intervals, at the points of injection and drawal.
Regulation 4 (7) …providing AMR facility for data downloading remotely at SLDC.”
New added clauses 4(8) & (9)
“ (8) All wind or solar generators including those connected via pooling station shall have to appoint a common QCA which may be one of the generators or mutually agreed agency. If generators fail to appoint a common QCA within a period of one month from the date of issue of notice by SLDC, then SLDC shall advise the concerned licensee for disconnection of pooling station/feeder from the grid. ?The licensee shall disconnect the pooling station/feeder from the Grid under intimation to SLDC.
(9) In case more than 50% wind or solar generators including those connected via pooling station have consented for a particular QCA, then remaining generators shall have to appoint the same agency as a QCA. In case of non-compliance of SLDC ?instructions, SLDC shall advise the concerned licensee to disconnect the defaulting generators from the Grid The licensee shall disconnect the pooling
station/feeder from the Grid under intimation to SLDC.”
Regulation 5 (c) Settlement Period: Preparation and settlement of ‘Deviation Pool Accounts’ shall be undertaken on weekly basis coinciding with mechanism followed for regional energy accounts.
…Till such time, but not later than three months from the date of the notification, the complete weekly ABT meter data is received through AMR System or manual data download by MRI, the State Load Despatch Centre shall prepare and issue ?Deviation Charges Account on monthly basis.
Regulation 10(1) Governance Structure and constitution of State Power Committee (1) Within three months from the date of notification of these Regulations, the State Load Despatch Centre shall formulate Operating Procedures and Business Rules for the constitution of State Power Committee, which shall be approved by the State
Regulation 10(1) is substituted as under:
“(1) Within two months from the date of notification of these Regulations, the State
Load Despatch Centre shall formulate “a State Power Committee and its functions” and submit to the for approval.”Commission ?
Telangana announces final DSM regulations for wind and solar Sat, 09 Jun 2018 08:05:10 +0000 Recently TSERC announced regulations on wind and solar forecasting, scheduling regulations, 2018. This is the final regulation and with this Telangana became the sixth, and latest, state to implement Forecasting and Scheduling regulations.
The detailed summary of the regulations is as below:

  • Title of the Regulation: Telangana State Electricity Regulatory Commission (Forecasting, Scheduling, Deviation Settlement and Related Matters for Solar and Wind Generation Sources) Regulations, 2018.The Telangana Forecasting regulation has been finalized within two months of the release of draft regulation.
  • Applicability:
      • From the date of publication in the official gazette.
      • Forecasting tool to be established in three months period.
      • Levy and collection of DSM Charges shall commence after six months from the date of publication in the official gazette.
  • Regulation Applicable on: All grid-connected Wind and Solar Power Generators (except Rooftop PV Solar Power Projects) connected to a pooling substation of the capacity not less than 5 MW irrespective of commissioning date.
  • Deviation Accounting: ?The deviation accounting will be carried out based on the Available Capacity:
  • Absolute Error in % =? ?100 x? Actual Generation – Scheduled Generation? ??Available Capacity (AvC)
  • Point of Forecasting: Pooling Station or STU Feeder where the injection is made.
  • Aggregation: Unlike in Karnataka and AP, Telangana’s order of F&S does not have a provision to provide an aggregated forecast.
  • Role of a QCA:
      • Provide day ahead, week?-ahead schedule generator wise and aggregated schedule for each pooling station and the periodic intraday revisions.
      • Coordination with DISCOM/STU/SLDC for metering, data collection, communication/issuance of dispatch/curtailment;
  • Provide day ahead, week- ahead schedule generator wise and aggregated schedule for each pooling station and the periodic intraday revisions.
      • Coordination with DISCOM/STU/SLDC for metering, data collection, communication/issuance of dispatch/curtailment;
      • De-pooling of charges among generators:
      • Commercial settlement of DSM charges on a weekly basis and
      • All other ancillary and incidental matters.
  • Revisions:
      • 16 revisions are permitted for Wind Generators starting from 00:00 Hrs of the day.
      • 9 revisions are permitted for Solar Generators starting from 05.30Hrs of the day.
      • All the revisions are effective from the 4th time-block.
  • Other Key Points:
    • DSM Settlement will be done on a Weekly basis, with Meter data to be provided by SLDC, and verification to be done in coordination with SLDC.
    • After recovering DSM amounts, if there is a gap between the actual commercial impact for the state as a result of deviation of wind and solar generation, such amount will be further recovered from each generator.
    • The wind and solar generator or the QCA will provide payment security to SLDC by the way of BG or revolving LC which will cover the DSM payment for 6 months.
    • De-pooling will be done in proportion to energy injected in each time block by each generator.
    • The QCA will only be forecasting on PSS level. Aggregation to create a virtual pool/aggregate of multiple substations is not allowed. States like A.P and Karnataka have allowed Aggregation in their final regulations.
  • Important differences between intrastate and interstate transactions:
    • The deviations for Inter-State and Intra-State transactions at Pooling Station will be accounted for separately. Separate schedules have to be sent for the interstate to SLDC and RLDC.
    • The Inter-State transactions will be settled on the basis of their scheduled generation and will be considered only if the Inter-state capacity is connected to the STU via the separate feeder.
    • The Generator will pay the Deviation Charges for under or over injection applicable within Telangana in case of deviations in the State DSM Pool. ?????????

?Deviation Charges in case of under or over-injection for sale/supply of power within the State

Sr. No

Absolute Error

DSM Charges Payable to State Pool Account
1 ≤ 15% None
2 >15% but ≤ 25% At Rs. 0.50 per unit
3 >25% but ≤ 35% At Rs. 1 per unit
4 >35% At Rs. 1.50 per unit

Deviation Charges in case of under or over-injection for sale/supply of power outside the State
Inter-state Deviation Charges will follow the same mechanism as defined by CERC (PPA linked). However, the final deviation settlement for Inter-state generators shall be done by SLDC on the basis of deviations and its impact at state periphery.
The TSERC Regulation for Forecasting & Scheduling, 2018 has provided a summary of timelines designating the activities to QCA and SLDC, to be accomplished within the following stipulated duration.

Sr. No. Activity/Milestone Action By Duration (Months)
1 Technical Specification and Information Sharing protocol by QCA to SLDC SLDC 3
2 Forecasting tool, alternate means of communication, formats for submission SLDC 3
3 Forecasting tools to be established by QCAs QCA 3
4 Guidelines for registration of QCA, data exchange between QCA and SLDC SLDC 2
5 Manner of making State Pool Account and settlement thereof SLDC 3
6 Detailed Procedures covering plan for data telemetry SLDC 3
7 Trial Run –During this period all parties shall comply with the above All 6
8 Commencement of commercial arrangement. All 6

