goldfish casino slots,best slot machines to play at the casino Tue, 08 Oct 2019 10:06:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 RE – REConnectEnergy 32 32 Renewable Energy generation takes a fall while the RE installed capacity soars high Tue, 08 Oct 2019 10:06:38 +0000 As per recent reports, renewable energy generation saw a decline of …% in the month of August 2019 as compared from July 2019. One of the major reasons for the decline is the variations in the weather. A very known fact in the industry is that during the months of June to August the RE generation (wind & solar) takes a dip. As the wind speeds are affected & the sun takes a mini-vacation, the efficiency of the RE plants reduces.

What is interesting to observe is that despite the low generation, the overall installed capacity has increased in the past year.
The reason for the decline in RE generation is wavering weather conditions affecting the wind speeds & curtailment seen in the past months in the southern states of the country. States like Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka & Tamil Nadu have a higher share of installed capacity compared to the rest of the country. The states generally realign their purchases during such low demand periods during monsoons, leading to underutilization of thermal power as well.?
But the impact on renewable energy plants is more due to inadequate integration power coming from renewable energy plants.
Another reason for this sharp fall is the reduced offtake of power by certain states pertaining to the losses incurred by the state discoms, due to which the discoms can’t break even. Issues like power curtailment and no power offtake are also harming the investment sentiment in the market.
Going forward, the country and states individually need to come up with better policy implementation in order to achieve 175 GW target set under the National mission by 2022 to curb climate change, improve electricty sector at a greater level and introduce renewable energy into the grid while maintaining the grid stability in the future. Currently the payment delay, tariff re-negotiations have affected the credit ratings, increased the finances and limited returns overall reducing the competitiveness of the renewable energy sector which was once thriving.?

Gujarat announces RE Forecasting and Scheduling regulations, 2019 Tue, 29 Jan 2019 13:21:02 +0000 Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission has recently issued Forecasting, Scheduling, Deviation Settlement, and related matters of solar and wind generation sources regulations, 2019 on 19th January 2019. The notifications are effective from the date of notification, however, the deviation charges specified in the regulations will be effective from 1st August 2019.
The key points of the regulations are as below:

  • Deviation accounting:

Absolute Error in % = Actual Generation – Scheduled Generation /Available Capacity (AvC)

  • Eligibility criteria: The regulations will apply to all wind and solar generators having a combined installed capacity above 1 MW connected to the state grid/substation, including those connected via pooling stations, and selling generated power within or outside the state or consuming power generated for self-consumption.
  • Forecasting and scheduling code: Revision of schedule will be allowed if the revision is more than 2% of the previous schedule. For wind energy-based generations, maximum 16 intra-day and for a solar energy-based generation, a maximum of 9 intra-day revisions will be allowed.
  • Aggregation is not allowed of more than one pooling stations or individual generating station connected to a substation.
  • QCA or the wind and solar generator can submit “Day-ahead” and a “week-ahead” schedule ?by 9 am every day for each pooling station or each generating station, wherein the Day-ahead schedule can contain wind or solar energy generation schedule at intervals of 15 mins (time-blocks)for the next day, starting from 00:00 hours of the day, and prepared for all 96 time-blocks and Week-Ahead schedule shall contain the same information for the next seven days.
  • The revisions of schedules for solar generators will be effective form 4th time block and there can be maximum of 9 revisions during the day starting from 5:30 hours to 19:00 hours of that day.
  • The revisions for a wind generating plants will be applicable for the entire 24 hours in a day.
  • The QCA will provide payment security to the extent of 110% against the deviation charges in form of Bank Guarantee. The payment security amount for the first year will be worked out considering average deviations observed during the mock trial dor different set of sites:
  1. Wind generating plant of approximately 50 MW capacity at pooling sub-station.
  2. Solar generating plant of approximately 25 MW capacity at pooling sub-station.

The table for the deviation charges and deviation limits is given below:

Deviation charges for wind operators

Deviation charges for solar generators


REConnect Newsletter Volume 42 – OPEN ACCESS Fri, 27 Jun 2014 05:06:07 +0000

Dear Reader,

We are pleased to present Open Access Vol 42 – our monthly newsletter covering RECs and regulatory and market developments in the renewable energy space.

?Key points covered in this newsletter are:

?1) Analysis of Karnataka’s solar policy

?2) Regulatory updates including important changes in RPO regualtions in Rajasthan, Order of JERC for enforecemnt of RPO including ? ?imposition of penalty, and other regulatory updates

?3) Analysis of the most recent trading session of RECs and capacities in the REC mechanism

?Past newsletters can be accessd here –?

For latest news and updates, please visit our blog at –

?As always, we will love to hear your feedback on the newsletter.

– Team REConnect

MERC drafts RE Tariff Order for FY 2014-15 Fri, 09 May 2014 09:34:59 +0000 Maharashtra Electricity Regulator – MERC on 6th May has made public a draft order for tariff of renewable energy produced within the state in FY15. Comments and suggestions are invited by 5th June 2014 as per this public notice.

A glimpse of tariff for new RE projects can be had in the following table –

The draft order is available here.
