allj slot machine,dell t320 vflash media-card slot Thu, 30 Jul 2015 13:07:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Punjab RPO – REConnectEnergy 32 32 Punjab Regulatory takes Strict note on RPO complaince of PSPCL Thu, 30 Jul 2015 13:07:56 +0000 The PSERC (Punjab Electricity Regulatory Commission) in response to a petition filed by Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL) pertaining to RPO compliance of FY 2014-15, in which the PSPCL has requested before the commission for carrying forward the compliance of RPO to next financial year (FY 2015-16).

Earlier the commission provided carry forward to the PCPCL for unmet RPO of FY 13-14 to FY 14-15 which were be met along with the RPO for FY 2014-15. PSPCL in its petition provided the status of its RPO compliance for FY 14-15 including for FY 2013-14, which is given in the table below:

PSPCL in its petition for carry forward of RPO cited various reasons for non-compliance of RPO. The reasons cited by PSERC were:

  1. Delay in the commissioning of the Project during FY 14-15.
  2. Financial constraints to purchase RECs.
  3. And also stated that it was due to factors beyond control of PSPCL and RPO targets being set by the commission are unachievable.

PEDA in its submission stated that PSPCL misconstrued the RPO targets fixed by commission, as RPO targets can be met through alternate channels and not only by way of RE purchases.

The commission in its order stated that it does not accept that the RPO targets were unachievable and that the shortfall in compliance was not out of control. The commission also stated that it does not accept the argument of alleged financial constraints of PSPCL and its inability to purchase RECs.

The commission also cited the APTEL Judgment which has issued directions to State Electricity Regulatory Commissions and Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission to enforce RPO, and Thus the Commissions are bound to enforce their respective RPO Regulations.

The commission in its judgement has provided the carry forward to FY 15-16 and has taken strict not for the Non-compliance of the RPO, directing the PSPCL to comply with the RPO obligations latest by 30th Dec 2015 and communicated that failing which further action as per Regulations may be initiated.

Punjab Finalizes New RPO Targets Mon, 11 May 2015 10:53:20 +0000 The Punjab Electricity Regulatory Commission (PSERC) has finalized the amendment to its RPO regulation 2011. The Amendment was notified on May 6, 2015. The new regulation will come in force from the? date of its publication in official gazette.

The new amendment to principle regulation defines new RPO targets for the upcoming years. The details of the new RPO targets are as below:

The targets defined by the commission are as same as the targets being proposed by the commission in its earlier draft notification in March 2015.
The graph above shows the comparison of the Punjab RPO targets with the RPO targets defined in the National Tariff Policy. The total RPO target year-on-year, seem to be nowhere close to NAPCC targets, and when compared to NTP targets, Non-Solar RPO targets fall considerably short while Solar RPO seem to be on track to meet NTP target by 2019-20. It is more important to observe whether PSERC ensures strict implementation in the future, or allows carry forward like the other states are doing.
The order can be accessed here.
