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In an article of The Hindu Business Line the current scenario of the Renewable Energy Certificates market of the country and its upcoming challenges was highlighted. With an extra one-and-a-half paise added into accounts of people who put up renewable energy capacities such as windmills, biomass and solar plants is an attractive return, justifying their investments. However, for this to work, a key parallel activity is the development of a robust market for renewable energy certificates and here is where action is needed urgently now.

Honourable Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) has been very active all throughtout the year for the implementation of REC mechanism in India. The Terms and Conditions for recognition and issuance of Renewable Energy Certificate for Renewable Energy Generation were notified and thereafter had its first amendment also.

  • CERC approved the Forms and Procedures for REC Accreditation, Registration, and Issuance.
  • Fees and charges for Accreditation, Registration & Issuance of RECs were announced.
  • Rules and By-Laws of Power Exchanges (PX) were announced.