casino near me with slot machines,slots near me Tue, 11 May 2021 04:42:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 KERC – REConnectEnergy 32 32 KERC notifies provisional APPC rate for FY 2021-22 Tue, 11 May 2021 04:42:27 +0000 Karnataka Electricity Regulatory commission(KERC) recently announced the Average Pooled Power Purchase Cost(APPC) for the FY 2021-22. In accordance with the KERC (Procurement of energy from renewable sources) regulation, 2011, KERC notifies the APPC at INR 4.17/unit for the financial year 2021-22 with effect from 01.04.2021 for the purpose of renewable energy certificate(REC).
In accordance with the KERC (Procurement of energy from renewable sources) (7th amendment) regulation, 2019, the ESCOMs are entitled to to bill the RE generators selling them under REC mechanism at lower of INR 4.17/unit or 75% of the generic tariff determined for FY 22, for the respective RE source by the commission.
Commission also notifies that for the FY 2020-21, the difference of lower of the pooled cost of power purchase of the state of INR 4.04/unit or at 75% of the generic tariff determined for the respective RE source by the commission for the relevant year already paid by ESCOMs to the Generators selling them under REC mechanism and the lower of the revised APPC of INR 4.17/unit or at 75% of the Generic tariff determined for the respective RE source by the commission for the relevant year, shall be paid/received by ESCOMs in three equal installments, for the energy supplied from 1st April, 2020 to 31sth March, 2021.

Karnataka further extends renewable purchase obligation timeline for FY 2020 Thu, 27 Aug 2020 06:54:39 +0000 In a recent announcement, Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission(KERC) further extended the timeline for compliance of Renewable purchase obligation(RPO) for FY 2020. According to the order published on 24th August, 2020, the obligated entities as defined in the principal regulations i.e. Distribution Licensees, Grid-connected Captive Consumers and Open Access Consumers are now allowed to fulfill their RPO for FY 2020 until 30th November 2020.
Failure to compliance by the Obligated Entity, would result in purchase of RECs to the extent of 110% of quantum shortfall as per the regulations by 31st December 2020.
The extension has been given considering the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic situation. The Commission also noted the interim order dated 24th July, 2020 of Hon’ble ATE which has postponed the trading of RECs until the next date of hearing. Karnataka is one of the states which has announced individual obligation percentage for all the obligated entities.

KERC notifies APPC rate for 2019-2020 & truing up of 2018-2019 Thu, 04 Apr 2019 09:43:14 +0000 Recently Karnataka notified the provisional APPC cost for FY 2019-20 & true up the Average Pooled Purchase Cost of 2018-19. The difference of INR 21 paisa/unit will be paid by the ESCOMs to the RE generators concerned in three equal monthly installments to the extent of energy supplied under APPC during the period from 1st April 2018 to 31st March 2019.
If we look at the price trend since 2015, there has been an upward pattern in the APPC rate of Karnataka. This trend will divert several generators to the REC + APPC route in the coming year.


KERC announces a revised tariff order for rooftop solar plants for domestic consumers Thu, 27 Dec 2018 12:46:18 +0000 KERC has recently announced an order for the “revision of tariff in respect of new Solar Rooftop Photovoltaic Units of 1kW to 10kW capacity installed by domestic consumers”. The government of Karnataka has set a target of 2400 MW of grid-connected rooftop generation projects under its solar policy 2014-2021. As of August 2018, Karnataka’s installed capacity for both ground-mounted and rooftop solar capacity is 5179 MW. Out of the total installed capacity, only 145 MW is solar rooftop photovoltaic plants (SRTPV) units have been installed & commissioned. Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission (KERC) the Commission had issued a Discussion Paper in the matter of revision of tariff in respect of new Solar Rooftop Photovoltaic Units of 1kW to 10kW capacity installed by domestic consumers, on 09.09.2018, inviting comments/suggestions from the stakeholders.
One of the reasons for the poor response for installation of rooftop solar photovoltaic plants by the domestic consumers may be the low Feed-In Tariff (FIT) fixed by the Commission as compared to the relatively higher capital cost of smaller capacity SRTPV units. Hence, the Commission was of the considered view that there is a need to promote smaller capacity solar rooftop power plants by the domestic consumers in order to achieve the desired capacity addition of SRTPV plants in the State.
Post the comments and suggestions, the commission has made some changes as below:

  • The CUF is retained to be 19% % even for 1 kW to 10 kW capacity SRTPV Plants from the 16% CUF earlier.
  • The capital cost for SRPTV plants of 1 kW to 10 kW is decided to be INR 48,000/kW.
  • The generic tariff for grid-connected new Solar Rooftop Photovoltaic Units of 1kW to 10kW capacity installed by domestic consumers at INR.4.15 only per unit (without capital subsidy) and at INR.3.08 only per unit (with capital subsidy).
  • The above-mentioned changes will be applicable to new plants with commissioning date on or after 19.12.2018.
BESCOM proposes incentive scheme to bring back HT consumers in the new tariff order 2018-’19 Mon, 21 May 2018 09:17:32 +0000 BESCOM announced its new tariff order for FY 2018-2019. New points introduced in the order include providing incentives to the HT consumers, for them to return back to state DISCOMs and not purchase power via Open Access.

Since HT consumers have been purchasing power via Open Access, the DISCOMs are deprived of the sales to the paying consumers, in turn impacting the finances of the distribution licensees.
Base consumption:

The monthly average consumption out of energy supplied by BESCOM during the non-peak hours’ period between 10.00 Hours and 18.00 Hours of the day, during the period from 01-04-2017 to 31-03-2018 as recorded in Time of Day (ToD) meter will be reckoned as base consumption.

Incentive scheme:

  • Any excess energy consumed by the eligible consumers during the non- peak period between 10.00 Hours and 18.00 Hours, over and above the average base consumption as stated, will be allowed a discount of Rs.1.00/- per unit in the bill, to the eligible consumers.

  • Further, the eligible consumers will be allowed an incentive of Rs.2.00 per unit in the bill for the energy consumed during the period between 22.00 Hours and 06.00 Hours as against the normal ToD rebate of Re.1.00 per unit.



Exiting rates (Ps/Unit)

Proposed Incentive rates (Ps/Unit)


0-1 lakh units



above 1 lakh units



0-1 lakh units



above 1 lakh units



0-2 lakh units



above 2 lakh units



0-2 lakh units



above 2 lakh units



0-1 lakh units



above 1 lakh units


There are also some amendments in the wheeling charges applicable to the renewable generators.

  • The RE generators will be liable to pay 25% of the normal transmission charges and/or wheeling charges.

  • They will be liable to bear the applicable lines losses as decided by the commission.

  • Also be liable to other applicable charges including 2% of banking charges.

RE projects

Time period

Transmission/wheeling charges


Line losses

Wind projects

10.10.2013 to 0.09.2017

25% normal transmission/wheeling charges


Solar projects

On or earlier than 31.03.2017


The RE projects commissioned on or after 1.04.2018 shall be liable to 25% of the normal transmission and/or wheeling charges, in cash, and the applicable line losses and banking charge, in kind, as determined by the Commission in its Tariff Orders, from time-to-time, in addition to the other applicable charges.
The Captive Generators, availing of the benefit of the Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) mechanism, shall be liable to pay the normal Transmission, Wheeling, and other charges, as specified in the Commission’s Order dated 09.10.2013.
The order is in effect since 1.04.2018 until 31.02.2020 unless any other order comes into effect.

KARNATAKA'S DISCOMS CANCEL PPAS AFTER UP AND AP Sat, 22 Jul 2017 05:36:00 +0000 After the UPERC cancelled PPAs with Bajaj Power owned units (as reported by TOI), BESCOM (Karnataka based DISCOM) cancelled its PPA signed before 31st March of a 75.6 MW wind power plant. The state’s energy department had already issued a letter to the DISCOMs to not sign anymore PPAs ?as the state has sufficient wind projects to fulfill its RPO compliance. More such cancellations from the DISCOMs are expected. The industries which are more affected by this cancellation are Gamesha, Suzlon, Inox Wind, Sembcorp Green Infra and Mytrah.
This is going to be a very discouraging development for the wind industry since a number of PPAs were signed at a higher price which is no longer being accepted by the DISCOMs. A similar development was also covered on our blog.
The article can be accessed here.

Karnataka defers implementation of Forecasting & Scheduling regulation Fri, 02 Dec 2016 09:34:56 +0000 The ?F&S regulation was notified on 31st May 2016 by Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission, with 6 months warming period given to all stakeholders, after which the commercial settlement scheme was to be implemented from December this year. Karnataka had become the first state in India to come out with final regulations for Forecasting and Scheduling.

However, KERC has deferred the implementation of the regulation by six months. Wind and solar generators will now be required to comply with the regulations from?1 June 2017.
The notification can be accessed?here.

Draft KERC (Procurement of Energy from Renewable Sources) Fourth Amendment, Regulations 2016 Wed, 16 Nov 2016 04:29:04 +0000 KERC?has notified Fourth Amendment to?KERC (Procurement of Energy from Renewable Resources) Regulations?on October 26th, 2016. The draft of the proposed amendment is available in? The highlights of the amendment are:

  1. RPO obligation is on captive plant, grid connected plants and open access consumers only?.Hence non grid connected captive plants are free from RPO obligation in Karnataka state.
  2. Every distributions licensee, captive consumer and open access consumers may purchase REC or consume electricity generated from its own Renewable Energy Power Plant whether grid connected or otherwise, to meet its RPO either entirely or partly.
  3. The obligation of distribution licensees to purchase electricity from solar energy may be fulfilled by?purchase of solar REC’s only.
  4. The capacity of Renewable Energy Power Plant owned by the obligated entity shall not be less than 250Kw.

KERC has invited written comments/views/suggestions on the proposed amendment latest by?November 26th 2016 from interested parties.

]]> KERC Determines tariffs and other norms for Solar Rooftop and Small Photovoltaic Power Plants Mon, 30 May 2016 07:11:42 +0000 This Order is applicable to all new grid connected solar rooftop and small solar photo voltaic power plants, entering into Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) and commissioned on or after 2nd May, 2016 and up to 31st March, 2018.

Sharing of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) benefits?between the generating company and the beneficiaries

  • 100% of gross proceeds on account of CDM benefit are to be retained by the project developer in the first year, after the date of commercial operation of the generating station,
  • In the second year, the share of distribution licensees shall be 10%, which shall be progressively increased by 10% every year till it reaches 50% and thereafter, the proceeds shall be shared in equal proportion by the generating companies and the beneficiaries.

Grid Connectivity for roof-top projects

  • 1 kW to 5 kW – single phase 230 volts
  • 5 kW to 50 kW – 3 phase 415 Volts
  • 50 kW to 1 MW – 11 kV line.


  • Metering shall be in compliance with the CEA (Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulations 2006 as amended from time to time.
  • In the case of, solar rooftop PV systems connected to LT grid of a distribution company, the concept of?net metering?shall be adopted and the net energy pumped into the grid shall be billed.
  • In the net -metering, the consumer is paid for the net energy i.e., the difference between energy generated from solar rooftop plant and consumed by his/her installation.
  • This concept allows only surplus energy to be injected into the grid. The Commission had proposed to continue with net-metering concept for all consumers, other than domestic consumers.
  • In the case of domestic consumers, the Commission had proposed to adopt gross metering concept where the entire energy generated by the solar rooftop plant is allowed to be injected into the grid

Note – An amendment to CEA (Installation and Operation of Meters) Regulations 2006 has been issued recently, in which a new definition of “renewable energy meter” has been introduced to extend clarity to net-metering scheme.

  • If export>import, ESCOM pays generator at the tariff determined.
  • If import > export; then generators pays to DISCOM at prevailing retail tariff.

Applicability of Wheeling and Banking Charges and Cross Subsidy Surcharge:
For solar generators going with intra-state open-access, no wheeling/banking charges or cross- subsidy charges are to be paid.
The copy of the order can be accessed?here.

KERC Proposes Amendment to RPO Regulation Thu, 16 Jul 2015 12:14:30 +0000 The Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission (KERC) in a recent notification has proposed an amendment to its RPO (Renewable Purchase Obligation) regulation. The amendment will come into force from the date of its publication in the official gazette.

The Proposed amendment defines the solar RPO percentages as well, which was not defined earlier and was considered to be one of the drawbacks towards promotion of solar energy technology. The targets proposed by KERC are shown in the graphs below:

The commission has also proposed new RPO targets for Captive and Open Access consumers, which are in the graphs below:

Apart from the RPO targets the commission has proposed to add the definition of “Contract Demand” and has proposed changes in some clauses as well.

Mainly the commission has proposed that any distribution licensee or other consumers failing to meet the RPO for any year within the time specified, shall purchase RECs to the extent of 110% of quantum of shortfall in meeting RPO, by 30th June of the immediately following year, failing which action under Section 142 of the Electricity Act, 2003 shall be initiated.

The amendment proposes a new way to impose penalty on the consumers failing to meet the RPO, and it directs the consumer to buy REC’s ?by 10% more quantum than the total quantum of energy needed to meet?RPO targets. The amendment also proposes very high RPO targets for coming years, which is a good move, but again, it will need strong enforcement guidelines from the state.

The increase in RPO targets is important, but at the same time targets without proper enforcement would not yield great results, which needs focus as many states are still being lenient over the RPO compliance by state utilities.

The commission has invited the comments from the interested stakeholder and can be submitted latest by 6th Aug 2015.

The proposed amendment and more details about it can be read here.
