luckyland slots app download,slot machines free games Mon, 26 Feb 2018 05:28:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Capital Cost – REConnectEnergy 32 32 HPERC DETERMINES GENERIC LEVELLISED TARIFF FOR SOLAR PV PROJECTS Mon, 26 Feb 2018 05:28:21 +0000 Himachal Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (HPERC) has determined the regulations for determination of generic levelised tariff for solar PV projects. The tariff has been determined in parts.


  • Tariff determined for the Solar PV projects applicable from 01.04.2017 to 30.09.2017 is as follows:

The capital cost has been determined at Rs 446 lakh/ MW and the tariff determined is:

  • Tariff determined for the Solar PV projects applicable from 01.10.2017 to 31.03.2017 is as follows:

The capital cost considered for solar projects is 446 Lakh/ MW for projects above 1 MW to 5 MW and 452.70 lakh/ MW for projects over 1 MW capacity. The tariff determined is as follows:

In comparison to the tariff of previous years, there has been a steady decrease of 17%. The following graph shall make this clearer:
The order can be accessed here.
MPERC Determines Tariffs for Solar Power Projects Fri, 14 Oct 2016 05:37:34 +0000 Madhya Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission recently released its tariff order for energy procured from solar power based projects for the control period from 31st March 2016 to 31st 2019. The tariff determined by the Commission in this will be applicable to the following Projects located in the State of Madhya Pradesh and selling electricity to the distribution licensees within Madhya Pradesh only:-
(a) Solar PV Power Plants
(b) Solar Thermal Power Plants
The Commission came out; vide its proposal for categorization of solar PV and thermal projects as well as for fixing the norms for technological specific parameters.

The Commission has fixed the normative capital costs inclusive of all components as well as taxes etc. for solar thermal and solar PV projects by keeping in line with the CERC benchmark capital cost of Rs. 12 Crore and 5.3crores per MW for 2016-17. The graphs below gives a comparison of the Capital cost and levelized tariff from the previous control period:

The MPERC Regulation can be accessed here.
The MPERC Previous tariff Order can be accessed here.

CERC determines Benchmark Capital Cost Norm for Solar PV and Solar Thermal power projects applicable during FY 2016-17 Fri, 25 Mar 2016 10:56:46 +0000 The Central Electricity Regulatory Commission vide its final order on 23rd March, 2016 determined the Benchmark Capital Cost Norm for Solar PV and for Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) projects for 2016-17. In case of determining the capital cost for Solar Photo voltaic, many parameters were considered like the Land cost and cost of PV modules etc.
The graph below depicts the change in the total capital cost from FY 2012-13 to FY 2016-17 and the % change year on year. The capital cost of Solar PV has decreased approximately by 68% ?from ?FY 2012-13.

In case of Solar Thermal, Commission had proposed to retain the benchmark capital cost of Solar Thermal power projects at INR 12.0 Crore / MW for FY 2016-17 (which remained the same in FY14-15 and FY 15-16). After reviewing all the comments and suggestions the Commission came up with the following order:
“Given the nascent stage of technology for Solar Thermal, the Commission has proposed to retain the benchmark cost without any decrease. At this point, it is not feasible to further increase these prices. The Commission decides to retain the benchmark capital cost for Solar Thermal power projects at INR 12.0 Crores / MW for FY 2016-17.”
The final order for FY 14-15 can be accessed here.
The final order for FY 15-16 can be accessed here.
The final order for FY 16-17 can be accessed here.

KERC Determines tariff for Grid Interactive Megawatt scale Solar Power Plants Mon, 24 Aug 2015 05:22:07 +0000 The Commission, in its Order dated 1st January, 2015 on BESCOM’s Review Petition noted that there was substantial reduction in the capital cost of grid connected solar power plants.

Therefore, it examined the need to curtail the present control period and re-determine the tariff in separate proceedings, in the midcourse. The Commission, in modification of its Order dated 10th October, 2013, decided that the norms and tariff determined in this Order shall be applicable to all new grid connected MW scale solar PV and solar thermal power plants, entering into Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) on or after 1st September, 2015 to 31st March, 2018.

For determining the tariff of the same, comments/suggestion of the stakeholders on the capital cost, operational and financial parameters were invited. The table below depicts the proposed capital costs for solar PV projects and solar thermal projects before and after the midcourse re-determination of tariff.

Based on the comments and suggestions received from various stakeholders on the abstract of the parameters considered for determination of the tariff, the commission approved the following tariff on 30th July 2015 which differs from the earlier determined tariff.

The final commission order can be read here.

Rajasthan Finalizes Solar Tariff for FY 14-15 Thu, 28 Aug 2014 09:35:48 +0000 Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (RERC) in its order dated 21st August 2014, has finalized solar tariff for FY 14-15. Earlier commission proposed a draft for the same and invited comments and suggestions, following which the commission has given the final order.


There is a discontinuity in the financial year wise tariff represented in the graph above, as there was no tariff approved by RERC for the year 2011-12.
Also it is visible that the tariff for the Solar PV has significantly reduced over the period. The reason behind such decline in tariff, is the reduction in the capital cost of the Solar PV projects, ?from Rs. 13-14 crore per MW in 2010-11, ?to approx. Rs. 7 crore/MW in 2014-15. Such reduction in capital cost is mainly due to reduction in the cost of Solar PV cells. The prices of the solar cells is expected to reduce further, as Finance Ministry has decided not to levy the Anti-Dumping duties on imported solar panels.
The RERC Solar Tariff order can be accessed here.
Our Previous Blog post on Rajasthan APPC can be read here.
Contributed By Dheeraj Babariya.

CERC finalizes RE tariff for FY15 Tue, 10 Jun 2014 05:59:22 +0000 Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) in its order on 15th May has finalised the Renewable Energy tariff for FY 14-15.

The details of the tariff calculated for FY 14-15 can be found in table below.

In the table above, it is clearly evident that CERC has finalized a higher price in case of solar projects as compared to that proposed in its draft. The price now finalized of Rs. 6.95 per unit is approx. 9.7% higher (than Rs. 6.33 per unit proposed in the draft).

A higher tariff determination for solar follows a similar consideration of higher benchmark capital cost. It was proposed that the capital cost for SPV projects to be Rs. 612 Lakh per MW. However, in the final order the capital cost now stands at Rs. 691 Lakh per MW.

It can be said that the apex regulator has finalised the tariff in response to views/suggestions of all stakeholders.

A higher solar tariff means grid parity still remains a distant dream. However, given the pace with which the retails tariffs across various states have been increasing and the fact that solar prices are coming down aggressively, it can be inferred that a “distant dream” is not too far away.

