b460m pro4s/ac has how many ssd nvme slot,slot online gacor nada777 http://www.slotln.online Thu, 08 Jan 2015 13:09:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.8.1 http://www.slotln.online/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/cropped-maroonsym-32x32.png Biomass – REConnectEnergy http://www.slotln.online 32 32 KERC Revises Tariff for Mini-Hydel & Biomass Projects http://www.slotln.online/kerc-revises-tariff-for-mini-hydel-biomass-projects/ Thu, 08 Jan 2015 13:09:44 +0000 http://www.slotln.online/blog/?p=2619 The Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission (KERC) in its order dated 1st January 2015, has revised the Tariff for the Mini-Hydel, Co-generation and Biomass based power projects. The new tariff will be applicable to the projects that get commissioned during the period 01.01.2015 to 31.03.2018 for which PPAs have not been entered into, prior to the date of this order.

Projects for which power purchase agreements have been entered into before 01.01.2015, will not get the benefit of this tariff revision.

The tariff approved by the commission is given in the table below:

The revised tariff in case of Mini-hydel projects is Rs. 4.16 per unit as against Rs.3.40 previously, which has increased by 22%.Tariff determined for Bagasse based projects is Rs. 4.83 per unit for the first year of the commissioning of the project, which was Rs. 3.90 previously, an increase of approx. 24%. While in the case of biomass the tariff has been determined at Rs. 5.19 per unit against Rs. 3.66 per unit in previous order, a hike of about 42%.

?The commission has also approved the prevailing reactive power charges of 40 p/kVAh, till 31.03.2018.

The KERC Order can be reached here.

UPERC Proposes RE Tariff http://www.slotln.online/uperc-proposes-re-tariff/ Thu, 13 Nov 2014 13:15:39 +0000 http://www.slotln.online/blog/?p=2471 The Uttar Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (UPERC) in its latest notification on 5th November 2014 has proposed draft for Renewable Energy Tariff. The Commission has invited comments and suggestions by 21st November 2014.

The details of the tariffs proposed are as below:

Uttar Pradesh has been in seeing very slow growth in RE generation. In case of solar, the tariff proposed by commission, is close to 15 % higher than the tariff finalized by CERC for FY 14-15. It can inferred that the higher tariff has been proposed to encourage the solar generation in the state.

The proposed draft can be accessed here.

Our Previous blog post on MNRE draft guidelines can be read here.

Contributed by?Dheeraj Babariya

Bihar finalizes tariff for Bagasse and Biomass Projects http://www.slotln.online/bihar-finalizes-tariff-for-bagasse-and-biomass-projects/ Mon, 06 Oct 2014 04:51:40 +0000 http://www.slotln.online/blog/?p=2381 Bihar Electricity Regulatory Commission (BERC) in its order dated 22nd September 2014 has declared tariff for the Biomass and Bagasse based Co-gen plants. The tariff will be applicable to the plants commissioned during FY 14-15 and will be applicable until next tariff order for the same.
The details of the tariff declared are as below:

The tariff declared by the BERC has come in order to promote the biomass based power generation in the state, as the state has vast potential for biomass power. However attractive the tariffs are, since there has been no definite timeline defined for these tariffs, it would be difficult for project proponents and investors to foresee long term feasibility of projects.
The BERC order can be accessed here.
Our blog post on CERC 3rd amendment to REC Regulation can be read here.
Contributed by?Dheeraj Babariya.

TNERC Proposes Tariff for Wind, Biomass & Bagasse Based Power http://www.slotln.online/tnerc-proposes-tariff-for-wind-biomass-bagasse-based-power-plants/ Sat, 27 Sep 2014 05:44:16 +0000 http://www.slotln.online/blog/?p=2335 The Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission (TNERC) on 26th Sep 2014 has notified separate Consultative papers for determination of tariff’s for Wind, Biomass and Bagasse based power projects. Earlier TNERC extended the validity of tariff for the said three energy sources.
1. Wind power Projects – TNERC through the consultative paper has proposed the tariff for the wind projects at Rs. 3.59 per Unit. The control period is 2 years with tariff period of 25 years.
The commission has also proposed the wheeling, transmission and scheduling and system operation charges to be 40%, as applicable to the conventional power. The cross subsidy charges for the third party open access consumers as proposed to be 50%.
The Consultative paper for the wind projects can be accessed here.
2. Biomass Power Projects – The fixed cost component of Tariff proposed for is given in the table below:

The Variable cost component proposed for FY 2014-15 is Rs.3.61 per unit and for the FY 2015-16 is Rs. 3.79 per unit, the control period is 2 years with the tariff period of 20 years.

The commission has proposed to continue the existing wheeling, transmission & scheduling and system operation charges of 50%, as applicable to the conventional power. The cross subsidy charges for the third party open access consumers as proposed to be 50%. While for the generators who are availing Renewable Energy Certificate (REC), normal transmission charges, wheeling charges and line losses has been proposed. The existing CSS of 50% is proposed to continue for this control period.

The Consultative paper for Biomass projects can be accessed here.

3. Bagasse Power Projects – The proposed fixed cost component is highlighted in the table below:

The Variable cost component proposed for the FY 2014-15 is Rs.2.93/- per unit and for FY 2015-16 is Rs. 3.07/- per unit, the control period has been proposed 2 years with the tariff period of 20 years.

The commission has proposed to continue the existing wheeling, transmission & scheduling and system operation charges of 60%, as applicable to the conventional power. The cross subsidy charges for the third party open access consumers as proposed to be 50%. While for the generators who are availing Renewable Energy Certificate (REC), normal transmission charges, wheeling charges and line losses has been proposed. The existing CSS of 50% is proposed to continue for this control period.

The consultative paper for Bagasse based projects can be accessed?here.

The TNERC has invited comments and suggestions for all the three consultative papers latest by 27th Oct 2014.

Our previous blog post on TN Solar tariff can be read?here.

Contributed by?Dheeraj Babariya.

TNERC Extends validity of RE Tariffs http://www.slotln.online/tnerc-extends-validity-of-re-tariffs/ Thu, 07 Aug 2014 05:34:27 +0000 http://www.slotln.online/blog/?p=2158 Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission (TNERC), through its orders on 25th July and 27th July 2014, has extended the validity of Preferential Tariffs for Wind, Baggase and Biomass based power plants.

The commission in its order has conveyed that the commission is initiating the process for determination of new tariff orders so in meanwhile the validity of tariff dated 31st July 2012 is extended till the issue of next order, the validity of which was ending on 31st July 2014.

The order on wind energy can be read here

The order on the Biomass can be accessed here

The order for the Baggase based plants can be read here

Contributed by Dheeraj Babariya.

APERC Approves Fixed Cost Tariff for Biomass http://www.slotln.online/aperc-approves-fixed-cost-tariff-for-biomass/ Tue, 22 Jul 2014 07:52:09 +0000 http://www.slotln.online/blog/?p=2081 APERC (Regulatory Commission for the states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana) on 19th July 2014 has rolled out an order determining the fixed cost component of the tariff Payable for the Biomass from the 11th year to 20th year of Operation.

The Details on the tariff approved is as below:

The average escalation is 4.7% over the 10 years.

The Honourable commission has ordered that an incentive of Rs 0.50 per unit for all generation above 80% PLF shall be paid by the concerned DISCOM to the all such generators. The commission also directed that the Electricity Duty paid by the Biomass project developers during this period shall be reimbursed.

More detail on the order can be accessed here.

Our previous blog post on the variable cost here.

Contributed by Bhanu Tejja

Karnataka: Approved Tariff for Biomass Projects http://www.slotln.online/karnataka-approved-tariff-for-biomass-projects/ Mon, 21 Jul 2014 13:06:35 +0000 http://www.slotln.online/blog/?p=2074 Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission (KERC) through an order on 10th July 2014, has determined tariff for Air Cooled Condenser based Biomass Projects. The order has come in response of a petition filed by M/s Haveri Bio Energy Pvt. Ltd.

A hearing was held on 15th May 2014. After hearing all the respondents the commission approved the final tariff, the details of which is shown below:

The average of the tariffs works out to be Rs. 5.54/KWh. This tariff shall be applicable for all the Air Cooled Condenser based Biomass Projects achieving commercial operation in the period from 01.04.2014 to 31.03.2018.

The relevant order can be accessed here

Contributed by?Dheeraj Babariya.

PSERC Draft RE Tariffs for FY 2014-15 http://www.slotln.online/pserc-draft-re-tariffs-for-fy-2014-15/ Mon, 21 Jul 2014 07:59:16 +0000 http://www.slotln.online/blog/?p=2056 Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission (PSERC) has released a draft for determination of tariff for Renewable Energy sources on 11th July 2014. PSERC has Invited comments and suggestions by 6th Aug 2014.

The graph below shows a comparison between tariff’s of CERC and PSERC over last three years (note that the tariff of PSERC for FY 14-15 is proposed and not approved).

It is evident from above that the tariff of PSERC over the period is same as the tariff determined by CERC. So it can be presumed that the final tariff of PSERC for FY 14-15 could be same as tariff determined by CERC. It is worth noting that the tariffs for Wind and Hydro have been marginally increasing over the last 3 years, which is contrary to the trend for Solar.
For further details please refer here.
Contributed by?Dheeraj Babariya.

KERC Amends Open Access-W&B Charges for RE Generators http://www.slotln.online/kerc-amends-open-access-wb-charges-for-re-generators/ Thu, 10 Jul 2014 06:23:34 +0000 http://www.slotln.online/blog/?p=1980 Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission (KERC), through its order on 04th July 2014, has amended the KERC (Terms and Conditions for Open Access) Regulation, 2014 and has computed the wheeling and Banking charges for Renewable energy generators.

The commission issued a discussion paper on 11th June 2014, and invited comments and suggestion from stakeholders. On 25.06.2014, the commission held a public hearing during which many RE generators requested the commission to either maintain the W&B charges at the current level or to reduce it, stating the reasons that Karnataka is an energy deficit state and RE power being distributed power, will reduce the need for additional transmission network.

In the view of the above, the commission’s final order is as follows:

  • The wheeling charges shall continue to be 5% of the injected energy for Wind, Mini Hydro, Biomass and Bagasse Cogeneration plants.
  • The banking charges shall continue to be 2% the injected energy?and is applicable for Wind and Mini Hydro projects only.
  • The annual banking facility shall continue for Wind, Mini Hydro and Solar energy projects, under Non-REC mode.
  • W&B charges and CSS shall continue to be exempted for Solar projects till 31st March 2018, under Non-REC mode.
  • The banked energy at the end of the financial year shall be purchased by distribution licensee at 85% of the generic tariff determined by the commission in its latest order.
  • The commission has also decided to discontinue the additional UI charges payable between the time of Injection and time of Drawal, for both existing as well as the new projects availing the banking facility.
  • The normative wheeling and banking charges applicable for Non-RE generators, will also be applicable for Captive RE generators availing REC’s.

The charges shall be applicable to the above mentioned renewable energy projects commissioned on or before 31.03.2014, and shall be valid for a period of 10 years from the date of commissioning of projects or units.

On requests of solar generators, to extend the period of applicability beyond 2018, the commission has issued a discussion paper in this regard, and has invited comments till 22nd July 2014.

Click?here?for more details on the order.

Our previous blog post on Karnataka APPC can be read here

]]> MERC Finalizes RE Tariff for FY 2014-15 http://www.slotln.online/merc-finalizes-re-tariff-for-fy-2014-15/ Wed, 09 Jul 2014 11:04:47 +0000 http://www.slotln.online/blog/?p=1965 Maharashtra Electricity Regulatory Commission (MERC), through an order on 7th July 2014, has finalized the Renewable Energy tariff for FY 2014-15. The details of the Renewable Energy tariffs computed for FY 2014-15 have been highlighted below:

From the table, it is clearly evident that the tariff calculated for Solar Projects is higher as compared to that proposed in the draft. The price which has been finalized at Rs. 6.79 per unit is approximately 10.7% higher than Rs. 6.13 per unit, as proposed in the draft.

Earlier, CERC in its order (Refer) had finalized higher tariff for Solar Projects, based on the discussions during hearings about raising the normative capital cost of Solar PV power projects. MERC final order followed similar escalation after the hearings.

The detailed MERC’s order is available here

Our Previous Blog post on CERC RE Tariff can be read here
