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Subsidy of 1 rupee per unit on consuming less power in Delhi

With the power prices going up in the capital regularly and a 26% tariff hike which made by the Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission (DERC) last week, Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit announced a subsidy of Re 1 per unit for those who consume less than 200 units in a month . In yesterday’s article of Tehelka.com she said that, “The DERC has hiked the tariff. We have nothing to do with it. There is no alternative but to increase the rate as cost of power purchase has gone up significantly. We will continue to provide Rs 1 subsidy per unit to those who limit their consumption up to 200 unit per month”.
This facility was available earlier also but it was discontinued in March 2012. It is estimated that around 20 lakh domestic consumers (59 % of total domestic consumers) will benefit from the scheme . The government will release an amount of Rs 222.40 crore for this purpose.
If the consumption if less than 200 units in a month one would pay Rs 2.70 per unit. But if it goes beyond 200 units it will be charged as Rs 4.80 per unit for the entire consumption.
With increasing demand such steps will attract consumers to save power.