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SECI invites tender for 1.2 GW of ISTS-connected Wind Power Projects in India

In a recent advancement, The Solar Energy Corporation of India(SECI) has invited? proposals for setting up of Inter-state transmission system(ISTS) connected Wind power projects in the country, on Build Own Operate (BOO) basis. The? aggregate capacity of a tender is? 1200 MW. In 2017, the Ministry of Power (MoP) issued “Guidelines for Tariff Based Competitive Bidding Process for Procurement of Power from Grid Connected Wind Power Projects”. As part of the above scheme, SECI will enter into a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with the successful Bidders selected based on the RfS for purchase of Wind Power for a period of 25 years.?
As per the tender document, Power procured by SECI from this Project will be sold to the Discoms of Madhya Pradesh, which shall be the Buying Entities under this RfS. The Buying Entities will procure power under the RfS through Madhya Pradesh Power Management Company Limited (MPPMCL), which is the authorized representative for signing the Power Sale Agreement, on behalf of the M.P. Discoms.
A Bidder can submit a single bid offering a minimum quantum of Contracted Capacity of 50 MW and a maximum quantum of 1200 MW, in the prescribed formats. Moreover, Identification of land, installation and ownership of the Project, along with obtaining connectivity, LTA and necessary approvals and interconnection with the ISTS network for supply of power to SECI, will be under the scope of the Wind Power Developer(WPD).?
SECI also instructed that the WPD shall comply with CERC/SERC regulations on Forecasting, Scheduling and Deviation Settlement, as applicable.?
The declared annual CUF should not be less than 22%. Calculation of CUF will be on yearly basis from 1st April of the year to 31st March of next year.?
It is also important to note that as per the tender, the bidder should provide information about the wind turbines proposed to be installed in the project at the time of financial closure. Only certified wind turbine models listed in the ‘Revised List of Models and Manufactures’ issued by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy(MNRE) will be allowed for deployment under the program.
In order to participate in the tender, the Net Worth of the Bidder should be equal to or greater than INR 1.2 Crores/MW of the quoted capacity and a minimum annual turnover of INR 60 Lakhs/ MW of the quoted capacity, as on the last date of the previous Financial Year.?
SECI had last invited the bid for 1.2 GW ISTS-connected wind projects (Tranche X) in the country in the month of december. Moreover, under the tranche I to X, more than 11 GW of wind projects have been auctioned by SECI.