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RPO targets to be met at minimal cost: FOR

In a recent Bloomberg article, the Forum of Regulators (FOR) said that the Renewable Power Purchase target can be easily achieved by DISCOMs at a minimal cost. The study of top electricity regulators says that there will be enough capacity addition from wind and solar farms that it will easily allow private distribution companies to buy as much as 11.4 percent of their electricity from renewable sources by 2017. Their study says that the average cost of power will rise by 1 paisa per unit and gradually drop by 2017.
Around 40,000 MW green power can be added in the country in the next five years if the power transmission and distribution infrastructure is upgraded . It amounts to half of the power capacity that our country needs by 2017, according to a Planning Commission report.
The forecasted facts and figures can be easily achieved only if the government takes strict action on timely enforcement across states and announce attractive schemes for investors and developers.