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RERC announces draft REC regulations (third amendment) 2019

RERC announces draft REC regulations (third amendment) 2019
Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission recently announced the draft Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) & Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) regulations 2019 (third amendment). The amendments are stated as below:

Original regulation Amendments
10. Pricing and purchase under REC mechanism
(2) The effective electricity component price during the operating period would be as under (a) For distribution licensee(s), shall be equal to the Pooled Cost of Power Purchase. For determination of Pooled Cost of Power Purchase for a particular year, Discoms shall submit a petition for computation of Pooled Cost of Power Purchase to the Commission latest by 30th June of the following year. The Commission shall issue an order relating to the Pooled Cost of Power Purchase within one month of acceptance of the petition. Till the issue of order regarding the Pooled Cost of Power Purchase, the Pooled Cost of Power Purchase of the previous year shall continue to be valid as Provisional Pooled Cost of Power Purchase. After the issue of an order for the Pooled Cost of Power Purchase by the Commission, the difference with the Provisional Pooled Cost of Power Purchase shall be adjusted equally in the bills of the next four months or as decided by the Commission in the order determining the Pooled Cost of Power Purchase for that year. (b) For sale to Open Access Consumers or a Captive User, it shall be at a mutually agreed price
“(2) The effective electricity component price applicable w.e.f. 1.04.2019 to the projects commissioned up to 31.03.2019 shall be as under The electricity component price of energy supplied by a RE project to distribution Licensee(s) shall be Rs 2.67/unit. This rate shall remain applicable for its remaining useful life, for which PPA shall be extended accordingly. Provided that such projects may also use such electricity for self-consumption or sell electricity at a mutually agreed price to other entities.”
10. ?Pricing and purchase under REC mechanism
(4) Purchase of electricity component from the Renewable Energy having been issued REC would not be counted in fulfillment of RPO and would not be mandatory. Provided that with the tor, the pricing methodologies for electricity component and REC shall be reviewed at periodic intervals as may be considered appropriate by the Commission
(4) “Purchase of electricity component from the Renewable Energy having been issued REC would not be counted in fulfillment of RPO.”
12. Pricing options for new renewable energy projects to be commissioned during the Operating Period
(1) All the new renewable energy projects commissioned during the Multiyear Control Period, after coming into force of these Regulations and which do not have PPA prior to coming into effect of these Regulations for purchase of Renewable Energy shall have the option of either following the tariff structure and other conditions as stipulated in the RERC (Terms and Conditions for Determination of Tariff) Regulations, 2009 as amended from time to time, subject to agreement of licensee or adopt pricing of the REC mechanism.
“ In case RE generator under REC mechanism wishes to opt out for REC mechanism and if the Discoms agree to purchase the renewable energy they may extend the PPA at the tariff not exceeding Rs 3.17/unit for remaining useful life of the plant and in such case the electricity purchased would be counted towards fulfillment of RPO and RE Generator would not be entitled to REC Certificate. Provided that above provision of the regulation shall not be applicable to an entity whose accreditation/registration has been a progressive development of the electricity revoked by the State / Central Agency.”