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REConnect Newsletter Volume 42 – OPEN ACCESS

Dear Reader,

We are pleased to present Open Access Vol 42 – our monthly newsletter covering RECs and regulatory and market developments in the renewable energy space.

?Key points covered in this newsletter are:

?1) Analysis of Karnataka’s solar policy

?2) Regulatory updates including important changes in RPO regualtions in Rajasthan, Order of JERC for enforecemnt of RPO including ? ?imposition of penalty, and other regulatory updates

?3) Analysis of the most recent trading session of RECs and capacities in the REC mechanism

?Past newsletters can be accessd here –?http://www.reconnectenergy.com/newsletter/past-newsletters/

For latest news and updates, please visit our blog at – http://www.slotln.online/blog/

?As always, we will love to hear your feedback on the newsletter.

– Team REConnect