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REConnect Newsletter Volume 38 – OPEN ACCESS

We are pleased to present the?38th?Volume?of?“OPEN?ACCESS”?– our monthly newsletter on REC Mechanism.?
The present?volume?covers analysis on following main topics:

  • Details of landmark order from UERC for imposing penalty for non-compliance of RPO .
  • Analysis of draft of CERC RE tariff order.
  • Various regulatory updates including: ApTel’s order on TN SPO and CERC’s order on RRF mechanism
  • REC trading analysis for January 2014.

To access the current volume (OPEN ACCESS Vol. 38) please Click Here.
To read past volumes of our newsletter please follow this link.
We hope you will find this?volume?of?OPEN-ACCESS?an insightful read. As always, look forward to your feedback and continued support.
Team REConnect