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REConnect Newsletter Volume 37 – OPEN ACCESS

We are pleased to present the?37th?Volume?of?“OPEN?ACCESS”?– our monthly newsletter on REC Mechanism.?

The present?volume?covers analysis on following main topics:
  • Recent steps taken by Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra & Delhi towards small scale solar projects.?
  • MERC order on solar RPO for Tata Power Company – Distribution.
  • ApTel’s judgment on fossil fuel based co-gen plants..
  • CERC’s order on REC issuance of UP’s co-gen plants.?
  • REC Trade Analysis – November 2013 & December 2013.?

To access the current volume (OPEN ACCESS Vol. 37) please?Click Here.

To read past volumes of our newsletter please follow this?link

We hope you will find this?volume?of?OPEN-ACCESS?an insightful read. As always, look forward to your feedback and continued support.?
Team REConnect