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REC Trading Report November-2014

REC trading session of Nov -14 was conducted on 26th Nov 2014.? Below is a summary of the result:-

The Total Transaction of RECs were around 300 Million INR in current Trading session.

As inferred from closing and opening balance of REC inventory, it shows huge gap which is implying the overall lack of compliance and demand.

?Total RECs redeemed were higher this month than the previous month. Redeemed REC was around 1.97 Lakh.

The Total closing balance for the November Trading session was around 11.6 Million RECs.

In case of Solar the lack of demand was also due to release of the draft 3rd Amendment to REC mechanism by CERC last month.

Non Solar REC
The demand for Non Solar RECs stood at 1.96 Thousand RECs. The Total Transaction was close to around 294 Million INR. Non Solar REC demand has been steadily increasing from the past three months.
The RECs traded at their floor price of INR 1500.

Solar REC
The Solar REC shows a lack lustre demand response, though it was higher than the previous month but still it was less as compared to Supply. Total REC transaction value was around 10.7 Million INR. ?The Solar RECs Traded at floor Price of 9300 INR.