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REC Trading Report August-2014

REC trading session of August-14 was conducted on 27th August 2014.? Below is a summary of the result:-
Demand continues to be lack-lusture. Overall demand was 50681 for non-solar RECs, and 1163 solar RECs. Overall market clearing ratio for Non-solar RECs was 0.58%, and for Solar RECs was 0.35%. Summary is given below in the table below.


  • Non Solar REC:

Though the Total RECs redeemed this month increased over previous month, it was due to poor demand in July. The demand picked up by 60% from the month of July. The supply rose marginally by 5% w.r.t July. Non Solar price remained at 1500 INR (Floor Price).
Clearing ratios at IEX were 0.40% and PXIL were 0.73%.


  • Solar REC:

Demand fell significantly over previous month. However, demand was exceptional last month due to purchase by a Discom.. The Total supply grew by 15% with respect to July. Only 1163 RECs were traded this month which was next to lowest as of in this year.
Clearing ratios at IEX were 0.24% and PXIL were 0.43%.


Contributed By:?Cigil?&?Vibhav Nuwal