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REC trade results July 2018

Non-solar: Non-solar RECs prices continue to rise on the back of robust demand and limited availability. The RECs were traded at the price of INR 1050 at PXIL ( 5% above the floor price) and INR 1200 at IEX (20% above the floor price). The non-solar REC inventory was completely exhausted in July 2018 with a clearing ratio of 100% at PXIL & IEX both respectively. A total of 235,437 RECs were traded in this session.
Solar: Solar RECs registered the highest ever traded volume. Total 13,82,632 RECs were traded in the current trade session. The clearing ratio was 40.23% at PXIL & 36% at IEX respectively. RECs traded at the floor price, i.e. INR 1000 at PXIL and IEX both respectively. As compared to the available supply of Solar RECs on March 31, 2018, 77% of the RECs have already been sold.