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REC Trade Results February 2017

The Feb trade session remained a robust one, following the record setting session in January.? Total Non-solar demand was 10.4 lakhs (vs 15.2 L demand in January), and clearing ratios on IEX and PXIL were 8.7 and 6.2% respectively. On a year-to-date basis, this year Non-solar RECs demand has been significantly higher than last year. March 2017, which will be the last trading session of FY 16-17, is also expected to result in high trading volumes.
Solar RECs trading, on the other hand, has remained subdued. One reason is the significantly solar capacity coming online in states (with record low tariffs) – this result in Discom’s not buying solar RECs in large volumes. Also, the expected price drop in April 2017 may be resulting in potential buyers deferring purchases.
Non Solar –?The clearing ratio stood at?8.72% and 6.2% in both IEX and PXIL respectively.
Solar –?Clearing ratio stood at 1.26% and 0.34% in IEX and PXIL respectively.