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REC trade result – October 2018

This month’s trading saw good participation from the market due to good price realization in non-solar RECs and increased demand for solar REC in the last few months.
Non-Solar: The shortage of Non-solar RECs continues in the current session of October 2018. This session the RECs were traded at the price of INR 1201 at PXIL (16.73% above the base price) and INR 1251 at IEX (20.06% above the floor price). A total of 4,27,305 RECs were traded in this session leaving an inventory of 18,83,673 Non-Solar RECs. (However, a significant portion of these do not participate in trading as they are owned by Discom’s or are for self retention)
Solar: Total number of solar RECs traded in this session was 2,75,951 (82.28% decrease from the last months’ trade). The clearing ratio was 100% at PXIL & 100% at IEX respectively (w.r.t floor price). RECs traded at the floor price, i.e. INR 1000 at PXIL and at Rs 1,001 at IEX.
The overall trade volume (7,03,256 RECs) decreased by almost 170% from the last months’ trade volume (19,03,638 ?RECs). This was due to very high demand for solar RECs last month.