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REC Trade Report – December 2013

December 2013 marks the end of Q3 for FY14. Overall the results have sustained optimism as compared to the preceding trading month. With last three months still remaining in this year and chances of higher buyer-side participation in the subsequent sessions, we expect REC markets to reverse its fading lustre considerably. As per REC Registry, the market crossed 0.4 million mark in terms of REC redeemed. This volume (4,11,744 RECs) traded in a single session is the highest redeemed volume of this fiscal and more importantly marginally matches the volume of March 2013 (last month of FY13). A more detailed analysis for each kind of RECs can be read as under:

Non-Solar RECs :

Buy bids for non-solar credits increased by 30.73 percent in comparison to last month’s stats. The most encouraging fact, considering a holistic view of FY14, was the cleared volume crossing the 0.4 million mark. Clearing percentages at both exchanges (IEX and PXIL) were recorded at parity (over 9%). With a total transactional value of non-solar RECs of 605.8 million INR, price of each non-solar REC remained at floor price of Rs. 1500 per REC.

Solar RECs:

The change in demand and supply as compared to previous month was up this month by 7.18 percent and 47.37 percent respectively. Although, the prices here also remained at floor we can still expect a jump in demand as we slip in the last quarter.

For previous months trade results – Click Here.