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REC Trade Report – April 2014

We are pleased to bring the REC trade results and our analysis on REC trade session conducted on 30th April 2014.

Following is a brief of the analysis:

April 2014 was the first month of compliance year FY 2014-15. As expected, the volumes in non-solar and solar REC markets nosedived as compared to last months trading session (Refer –?Blog – post on ?March 2014 REC Trade).? The REC inventory’s closing balance stood at a mammoth 6.6 million RECs. The total RECs redeemed in April 14 were 80,343 RECs only. The RECs issued this month was again a 7digit number – about 1.1 million RECs. Cumulatively, March’14 ?and April’14 alone added over 3 million RECs, which is 23% of the total RECs issued till date. ?This escalation in supply side and almost no demand side participation sums the state of current Indian REC market place.

Non-Solar RECs

Demand dropped by 88% and supply was up by 3.2% w.r.t March’ 14. Price of non-solar RECs remained at floor price – INR 1,500 per REC. Total non-solar redeemed were 79,354 (as per REC registry).

Solar RECs –

Price of solar REC continued to trade at floor (INR 9,300 per REC) for a consecutive 11th month. Demand fell to less than 1,000 and supply rose by 22%. Clearing ratios at both exchanges were close to half percent (0.5%) only. As per registry, solar RECs redeemed in April14 was 989.

For more details please refer table below – Our online market tracker tool can be accessed here.