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Rajasthan sets revised tariff for Solar and Biomass power projects

Rajasthan electricity regulatory commission (RERC) through an order dated 4th September 2013, has set a new preferential tariff rate for all solar projects (PV or thermal) to be set up in the state. As per this order, the tariff has been set at?Rs. 8.33 per unit for solar PV projects?and?Rs. 11.37 ?per unit for solar thermal projects?(for projects not availing AD benefit). The new tariff has been decreased by 13.5 % for solar PV and by around 5% for solar thermal projects respectively.

This tariff will be applicable for solar PV projects signing PPA on or before 31.04.2014 and getting commissioned before 31.03.2015. In case of solar thermal projects the commissioning date must be on or before 31.03.2016.

The solar PV tariff is 42 paise per unit less than that bench-marked by CERC and for solar thermal projects it is 53 paise lesser than corresponding CERC benchmark.

S.No Particulars Tariff (when AD not availed) as per T.O dated – 30.05.2012 in Rs. Per unit Tariff (when AD is not availed) as per T.O dated – 04.09.2013 in Rs. Per unit? % change in tariff
1 Solar PV? 9.63 8.33 -13.50%
2 Solar Thermal 11.95 11.37 -4.85%

?The order on solar tariff can be accessed by clicking?here.

With regards to?Biomass based projects, the order was out on 8th October 2013. As per this?order, for projects commissioned during FY14, the tariff applicable is?Rs. 5.44 per unit (for projects not availing AD) and Rs. 5.23 (for projects availing AD).