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Rajasthan Finalizes Tariff for Biomass Projects

Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory commission (RERC) in its order dated 7th May 2015, has finalized the tariff for biomass projects in the state. The regulation will come in force from 1st April 2015 and will remain in force for a period of four (4) years.

Tariff for Biomass power plants, for which Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) have been executed under GoR Policy of 1999 and commissioned before 30.09.2008 will be as under:

The commission has also finalized the capital costs for the technology specific projects. For Biomass Gasifier based power plants the capital cost has been fixed at Rs. 457.24 lakh/MW, and for Biogas based power projects it has been determined at Rs. 883.62Lakh/MW.

Other charges payable by the generators:

kVArh charges: Net kVArh drawal by generating plants from the Grid will be billed at 12.50 paise/kVArh w.e.f 01.04.2015 escalated annually at 0.50 paise/kVArh, unless otherwise revised by the Commission by Order.

Transmission & wheeling charges: For third party sale or captive use within or outside the state the wheeling and transmission charges will be recovered as per orders of the commission.

Banking: Banking of energy is allowed at consumer end for only captive consumption within the state. The period of banking will be monthly basis and banking charges at 2% of banked energy would be payable.

The commission order can be accessed here.