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Rajasthan Finalizes Solar Tariff for FY 14-15

Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (RERC) in its order dated 21st August 2014, has finalized solar tariff for FY 14-15. Earlier commission proposed a draft for the same and invited comments and suggestions, following which the commission has given the final order.


There is a discontinuity in the financial year wise tariff represented in the graph above, as there was no tariff approved by RERC for the year 2011-12.
Also it is visible that the tariff for the Solar PV has significantly reduced over the period. The reason behind such decline in tariff, is the reduction in the capital cost of the Solar PV projects, ?from Rs. 13-14 crore per MW in 2010-11, ?to approx. Rs. 7 crore/MW in 2014-15. Such reduction in capital cost is mainly due to reduction in the cost of Solar PV cells. The prices of the solar cells is expected to reduce further, as Finance Ministry has decided not to levy the Anti-Dumping duties on imported solar panels.
The RERC Solar Tariff order can be accessed here.
Our Previous Blog post on Rajasthan APPC can be read here.
Contributed By Dheeraj Babariya.