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Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission exempts electricity duty for rooftop solar

The Rajasthan state government recently exempted?the elctricity duty?of 40p/unit for solar rooftop and captive units. It is expected that this electricity duty cut will have a positive impact on the new capacity lined up by the Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission and also will help to close the 2300 MW rooftop solar capacity by 2022.
This step will create a lot of momentum in the rooftop segment and will encourage individuals and institutions to set up their own plants, thus contributing to the green energy while cutting down on their power costs.
Since Rajasthan has also announced net-metering policy (by which an individual can use the power they generate and the surplus can be fed into the grid), exemption of the electricity duty will be very beneficial to the consumers.
Recently, RERC also had issued a rate contract order for 25 MW & 5MW rooftop plants and empanelled companies to design supply and install these projects; under this the consumer will install a solar power plant?and will not have to pay anything upfront.
The regulation can be accessed?here.