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Rajasthan Draft Open Access Regulation 2015

The Rajasthan Electricity Regulatory Commission (RERC) in a latest Notification has proposed new Open Access Regulation. The regulations will come into force on the date of their publication in the official gazette. However the open access under these regulations shall be allowed from the date of issue of detailed procedure by STU/ SLDC as provided under this regulation.
The regulation will apply to open access for use of the intra-state transmission system and / or the distribution systems of licensees in the State, including when such system is used in conjunction with the inter-state transmission system.
The Licensees, generating companies including persons who have established a captive generating plant and consumers shall be eligible for open access to the intra-state transmission and/or distribution system.
Power procurement through the power exchange will be permissible only on week ahead basis or higher denomination of days and not on the day-ahead basis.
Categorization of Open Access Consumer:

  • Long-term Open Access: Any consumer availing open access for a period of exceeding 12 years but not exceeding 25 years.
  • Medium-term Open Access:?customers availing open access for a period exceeding 3 months but not exceeding 3 years at a time.
  • Short-term Open Access:?Consumers availing open access for a period up to one month at a time.

Charges for Open Access:?The commission from time to time will calculate the open access charges to be payable by the open consumer access. These charges will include transmission charges, wheeling charges, cross and subsidy surcharges and additional surcharge. In addition to this the customer will have to pay the Reactive Energy Charges as per the rates defined in the state.
Losses –?Apart from the charges applicable, the open access customers will have to bear energy losses of the transmission system and the distribution system as approved by the Commission from time to time
Metering:?The open access customer shall provide Main Meters, Check Meters and Standby Meters based on voltage, point and period of supply/drawal.
Communication Facility:?An open access customer shall provide for or bear the cost of equipments for ?Communication up to the nearest Grid Sub Station or State Load Dispatch Centre.
The commission has invited comments and suggestion from the interested stakeholders and can be submitted by 3rdAugust 2015.
The details and the procedures proposed in the Draft Regulation can be read?here.