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Punjab Declares Distribution & Transmission Tariff for FY 14-15

Punjab state Electricity Regulatory Commission (PSERC) has determined its Tariff for FY 14-15. The tariff has been declared on 22nd August 2014 for the Distribution Company PSPCL & transmission Company PSTCL.

Brief Details of the approved Distribution Tariff is given below:

It is worth noticing that Tariffs have not increased much for general industrial consumers, while it has reduced by approx. 3% for large industries, and has reduced by more than 6% for Commercial category. The Commission has increased the MMC by 2.74% compared to previous year.

Open Access Charges:

The Transmission Tariff and SLDC charges approved is as below:

  • The Cross Subsidy Surcharge for large supply industrial consumers has been calculated at 95 paisa/kWh, while the same for Commercial Consumer has been computed at 92 paisa/kWh.
  • The Commission has determined Wheeling charges at Rs. 1.21/kWh, applicable for all categories of OA consumers. It is relatively high compared to other states.
  • For Renewable Power (consumption within the state), the transmission and wheeling charges ?shall be levied at 2% of energy injected into the grid, while in case of wheeling of Renewable power outside the state normative wheeling and transmission charges shall be payable.

The Open Access Consumer shall bear transmission and distribution losses as given below:

The PSERC Distribution Tariff can be accessed here.

The PSERC Transmission Tariff can be accessed here.

Our Previous blog post on PSERC Net Metering Policy can be read here.

Contributed by Dheeraj Babariya.