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PSERC Proposes RE Tariff for FY 15-16

The Punjab Regulatory Commission (PSERC) has recently proposed the Renewable Energy Tariff for FY 15-16. The commission through a separate Public Notice has invited comments and suggestions on the proposed Staff Paper. The comments and suggestions can be submitted by 15th June, 2015.
The details of the tariff proposed by the commission are given in the table below:

A graph depicted below shows the tariffs determined by the PSERC over the years.

The tariffs determined by the PSERC over the years have been in line with the tariff?determined ?CERC. The PSERC has followed the same trend in changing the tariff (% Change in tariff) for different Renewable Energy technologies as carried out by CERC.?So it is expected that the PSERC RE tariff for FY 15-16, might be determined in line with the CERC RE tariff. .
The more details on draft RE Tariff can be read here.