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NLDC Invites Comments for bi-monthly REC Trading Session

National Load Dispatch Centre has invited comments and suggestions, on the REC Procedure considering bi-monthly REC trading sessions, by 1st March 2016 to the Central Agency. The following modification has been proposed for the “Procedure for Redemption of REC’s”:

  • All valid RECs?excluding the RECs applied for Self-retention shall be traded on the second and last Wednesday of every month.
  • The eligible entity shall exclude the RECs applied for self-retention in the particular month, if applicable,?for dealing on Power Exchange.

It’s a much needed step by NLDC as it enhances the platform for a better market price discovery. This change would be beneficial for the generators and to the obligated entities, since if the RECs are not traded in the current month, they would not have to wait for an entire month to clear the REC’s.
Also it would promote the developers to meet their RPO as we have seen many regulatory actions coming up in the form of compliance orders and proceedings in several states like Orissa, Kerala, MP and Maharashtra recently.
We also feel that the bi-monthly REC trading could be intensified if quarterly or at least half yearly compliance of RPO is made compulsory instead of yearly. This would push the obligated entities more to gear up and fulfill their obligation and thus benefit the REC market.