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MPERC Retail Tariff for FY 16-17

Madhya Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (MPERC) through an order dated 5th April 2016 has finalized the retail tariff for the state for FY 16-17.
The tariff defined by the commission is given below:

The tariff given by the commission for industrial consumer did not see any change between the tariff of FY 13-14 & FY 14-15. But has increased from FY 15-16 to FY 16-17. The graphs below shows the change in the tariff category wise and the % change in tariff year on year respectively.


Wheeling Charges: The wheeling charges have increased for voltage level up to 33kV from Rs. 0.23 per unit to 0.27.
Cross Subsidy Surcharge: The cross subsidy surcharge for FY 16-17 has reduced
Transmission losses: The EHT transmission loss is set at 5.32% and for 33 kV (only 33 kV systems) @ 5.83%.
Industrial Tariff: The industrial tariff has increased from 5.25 Rs/kWh to 5.70 Rs/kWh (132kV)
Transmission Charges: The transmission charges for FY 16-17 will be Rs. 0.60 per unit.
The commission has also mentioned that the wheeling and cross subsidy surcharge will not be applicable for consumer availing open access from all RE sources.
The commission order can be accessed here.