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MPERC refuses expemtion of Solar RPO

Recently MPERC held in an order that there will not be any relaxation and revision in fulfillment of Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) targets from solar energy sources for FY 2011-12 and 2012-13. The order is in response to the petition filed by MP Power Management Co. Ltd. and supported by other discoms.
The petition was filed on grounds of non availability of solar power in the state and non existence of RECs in the market. Commission noted that there is substantial delay in issue of tenders after notification of the Regulations and it cannot be conceded that the efforts made by the petitioner to procure solar power were its best efforts. Also there are no efforts of purchasing solar power from other states.
This order will support of development of solar power in the state and will create a healthy environment for all the investors who are looking to invest in solar power generation.
Contributed by Mohit Tyagi