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MNRE scheme for Development of Solar Zones in the country commencing from 2016-17 and onwards

MNRE has recently sanctioned the scheme for setting up of 10 solar zones. Each solar zone will be having around 10,000 hectares of government owned or privately owned wasteland, uncultivable land or fallow land in one or more than one patches. An estimated amount of Rs. 4400 crore has been granted as a Central Financial Assistance for this project.
Following are some of the highlights of the scheme:

  • The objective of the scheme is to promoted developers and investors and thereby helping the country in achieving the target of 100000MW by 2022.
  • This scheme will in return help the states in meeting its mandate RPO, and also provide employment opportunities to the location.
  • All the states and Union Territories will be eligible for benefiting under this scheme.
  • The solar zones will be developed in collaboration with the State Government and their agencies. SECI will act as MNRE’s agency for handling the scheme.
  • The state government shall identify an area having daily average insulation of over 4kWh per meter square and having around 10000 hectares of government owned or privately owned wasteland.
  • The solar zones will be set up in a span of 5 years commencing from 2015-16 and the solar projects may come in as per demand and interest shown by the developers.
  • Out of the total solar potential in the solar zone, 25% area will be set apart for deployment of manufactures of ingots, water, solar cell and modules to promote make in India.
  • 25% area for small and medium enterprises, farmers and unemployed youth and 50% for solar project developers.

The scheme can be accessed here.