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Meghalaya: Net Metering and RE Tariff Regulation

Draft Net Metering Regulation:

Meghalaya State Electricity Regulatory Commission (MSERC) has on 11th November has notified the draft regulation for Grid Connected Solar Rooftop Systems. The regulation will be called as (Rooftop Solar Grid Interactive systems based on Net metering) Regulations, 2014.

The commission has presented the draft for the consultation and suggestions from the stake holders including consumers. The Regulation will come in force from the date of notification in the Official Gazette.

The regulation allows the consumers to install Solar Rooftop systems, and can generate electricity themselves. The Summary of the regulation is in the table below:

The commission has invited the comments and suggestion on the draft however no last date has been given.

The more details can be read in the Draft here.

RE Tariff Regulation

The commission on 11th Nov 2014, has finalized the Renewable Energy Tariff regulation. The regulation has a control period of 3 years (i.e. till 2017). The regulation will be called Meghalaya State Electricity Regulatory Commission (Terms and Conditions for determination of Tariff for Generation from Renewable Energy Sources) Regulations, 2014.

?The regulation will apply to all RE sources of generation.

More details can be found in the order here.

Contributed by?Dheeraj Babariya.