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KERC Revises Tariff for Mini-Hydel & Biomass Projects

The Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission (KERC) in its order dated 1st January 2015, has revised the Tariff for the Mini-Hydel, Co-generation and Biomass based power projects. The new tariff will be applicable to the projects that get commissioned during the period 01.01.2015 to 31.03.2018 for which PPAs have not been entered into, prior to the date of this order.

Projects for which power purchase agreements have been entered into before 01.01.2015, will not get the benefit of this tariff revision.

The tariff approved by the commission is given in the table below:

The revised tariff in case of Mini-hydel projects is Rs. 4.16 per unit as against Rs.3.40 previously, which has increased by 22%.Tariff determined for Bagasse based projects is Rs. 4.83 per unit for the first year of the commissioning of the project, which was Rs. 3.90 previously, an increase of approx. 24%. While in the case of biomass the tariff has been determined at Rs. 5.19 per unit against Rs. 3.66 per unit in previous order, a hike of about 42%.

?The commission has also approved the prevailing reactive power charges of 40 p/kVAh, till 31.03.2018.

The KERC Order can be reached here.