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KERC Revises APPC for FY 14-15 & Finalizes for FY 15-16

The Karnataka Electricity Regulatory Commission (KERC) in its order dated 31.03.2015 has finalized the APPC applicable for FY 15-16 and has also revised the APPC applicable for FY 14-15.

Previously the commission in its notification dated 30.06.2014 set the APPC rate for FY 14-15 at Rs. 3.11 per unit, but now through revision, the commission has reduced that from 3.11 per unit to 3.06 per unit for FY 14-15.

The commission in its order said that as the ESCOM’s have finalized their accounts for FY13-14 and based on the same the APPC for FY 14-15 is to be Rs. 3.06 per unit. The order also said mentioned that the difference of 5 paisa per unit shall be recovered by the ESCOM’s from the RE generators in three equal installments.

The commission in the order has also finalized the APPC applicable for FY 15-16 at Rs. 3.06 per unit, this APPC might go through another revision once the ESCOM’s will finalize their accounts for FY 14-15. The graph below gives the APPC’s given by the KERC in its various orders.

The commission order can reached here.