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Kerala Finalizes Solar Rooftop Policy

Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission (KSERC) through an order on 10th June 2014, has finalized its policy for solar rooftop systems. The policy is named Grid Interactive Distributed Solar Energy Systems.
The policy is aimed at promoting solar power in the state by involving more generators. The policy is applicable for all the distribution licensees in the state and to all consumer availing electricity at voltage levels below 11kV, and shall come into force from the date of publication in the official gazette.
According to the regulation, any consumer may install the solar energy system owned by him or by other third party, provided that the installed energy system should fall under the rated limits, as defined under the regulation, and should comply with the systems of the distribution licensee.
The rated capacity of the installed system shall not be less than 1KWp (Kilo Watt peak) and shall not exceed 1MWp (Mega Watt peak).
The output of the solar system shall comply with provisions of the Kerala Electricity Supply Code 2014, which is defined as –

Sl. No. Type of connection Supply Voltage Output specifications
1 Low Tension Single phase 240 V 240 V, 50 Hertz
2 Low Tension Three phase 415 V 415 V, 50 Hertz
3 High Tension 11000 V 11000 V, 50 Hertz

Banking facility: The solar energy systems installed under this regulation are eligible for the banking facility and shall be done on the basis of the readings taken for the billing period applicable to him.
Metering arrangements: The net meters shall be installed at the interconnection point of the consumer with the network of the distribution licensees, and the solar meters shall be installed at the delivery point of the solar systems to measure the energy generated. The commercial settlement shall be done on the basis of readings of this meters.
The eligible consumers have the right to avail open access for wheeling the excess energy generated to one or more premises owned by him within the area of supply of the distribution licensee. Such right for wheeling access energy shall be available only if the wheeled energy to other premises exceeds 500 units in month and the consumer will be able to avail only 95% of the total energy wheeled, while remaining 5% will be adjusted towards distribution losses.
Accounting and settlement – The accounting of the energy generated, consumed and injected by the consumer shall be done on the basis of the readings taken by the meters, for the period applicable to him.
Solar RPO – The energy generated from the solar energy systems of any consumer shall be accounted towards RPO if the consumer is an obligated entity, and if not, then such energy shall be accounted towards RPO of the distribution licensee.
Banking and Cross Subsidy Charge – The eligible consumers generating solar power under this regulation, shall are exempted from banking and cross subsidy surcharge.
The details of the order can be found here
For more details on net metering, click here