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Jharkhand notifies draft open access regulations

Jharkhand State Electricity Regulatory Commission (JSERC) notified the draft open access regulations on 1st March, 2016. The prominent features of the regulation are as follows:

  • Validity: Till 31st March, 2020
  • Eligibility to avail Open Access: 1 MW and above (not applicable in case of captive generating plants that is availing Open Access for its own use).
  • Provisions for existing consumers and generating plants availing Open Access: The entities other than the DISCOM that have already been availing open access under some agreement or government policy shall submit details such as capacity utilized, point of injection, point of drawal, duration of availing open access, peak load, average load and other such information to the STU as well as SLDC within a period of 30 days of notification of these regulations.
  • Application procedure for Open Access:

  • Day-ahead Open Access: Application to be received 3 days prior to date of scheduling of power but not later than 1300 hours of the day preceding the scheduling of power.
  • Open Access charges: The entities availing open access have to pay the transmission and wheeling charges, cross-subsidy surcharge, additional surcharge, standby charge, reactive charges and imbalance charges as determined by Jharkhand State Electricity Regulatory Commission (JSERC) from time to time.
  • Formation of Coordination Committee: Within a month of the notification of the regulations and comprising a nominee each from the DISCOM, State Transmission Utility (STU), and SLDC. The State Transmission Utility (STU). The coordination committee shall facilitate timely approvals of connectivity and open access applications.
  • Connectivity level: For consumers or generating stations or captive generators, the connectivity level shall be as follows:

  • Procedure for connectivity to intra-state transmission system: