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HERC announces a combined order for multiple matters

Haryana Electricity regulatory commission recently announced an order on multiple matters including Suo Motu for amendment and/or modification of HERC (Terms and Conditions of Determination of Tariff from Renewable Energy Sources, Renewable Purchase Obligation and Renewable Energy Certificate) Regulations, 2010 and its subsequent amendments (hereinafter referred to as RE Regulations, 2010). The Commission invited views and comments from the stakeholders and answered to them individually. The order also talks about the following:
Suo-Moto proceedings on RPO compliance
If an Obligated entity fails to comply with the obligation to purchase the required percentage of power from renewable energy sources or the renewable energy certificates, it shall also be liable for penalty as may be decided by the Commission under section 142 of the Act. Provided that in case of genuine difficulty in complying with the renewable purchase obligation because of the limited availability of renewable energy or non-availability of certificates, the obligated entity can approach the Commission for relaxation or carry forward of compliance requirement to the next year. However, in normal circumstances, the renewable purchase obligation shall not be waived off. Provided further that where the Commission has consented in writing on an application made by the obligated entity to carry forward of compliance requirement, the provision of regulation 58 (1) of these regulations or the provision of section 142 of the Act shall not be invoked.
The petition filed by Amplus seeking implementation of exemption or waiver of ?wheeling charges, cross-subsidy charges, transmission and distribution charges and surcharge for ground-mounted and rooftop solar power projects
Waivers/concessions shall be applicable till the aggregate installed capacity of 500MW of Solar PV Plants in the State is achieved, where after the Commission shall review the provision of waivers/concessions taking into account the financial impact on the Distribution Licensees. Further, provided that waivers/ concessions once provided to any project shall be applicable for a period of 10 years,
The petition filed by Haryana Power Purchase Centre (HPPC) on behalf of the Haryana Distribution Licensees seeking a relaxation of Renewable Purchase Obligation
The Commission has considered the above submissions and is of the considered view that, after considerable deliberation, the RPO targets have been fixed. Further, even the Discoms have raised the issue of these targets being on the higher side. Further, it has been submitted?by the Discoms / HPPC procurement of RE power in the peak hours will not only add to the demand-supply gap but also add to the surplus and backing down of cheaper conventional power putting an avoidable financial burden on the electricity consumers of Haryana. Hence, the?Commission finds no reason to change the RPO targets as appearing in the draft Regulations as the same in the considered view of the Commission attempts to balance the interest of all the stakeholders.
Read the complete order here.