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Haryana RE Tariff for FY 2013-14

The electricity regulatory commission of Haryana – HERC in an order dated 20th Nov 2013 has declared tariff for all renewable energy projects to be commissioned in FY 2013-14.

Following are the numbers for various projects –

Solar PV (Crystalline) – Rs. 5.70 per unit.

Solar PV (Thin Film) – Rs. 5.36 per unit.

Solar (Rooftop) – Rs. 5.32 per unit.

Solar (Thermal) – Rs. 11.60 per unit.

Wind (300-400 W/m2) – Rs. 3.62 per unit.

Biomass (water cooled) – Rs. 6.97 per unit.

Biomass (air cooled) – Rs. 7.05 per unit.

Co-generation (bagasse) – Rs. 4.15 per unit.

It is important to note that the tariff for solar projects (PV Crystalline) has been the lowest as compared to tariff in states of Punjab, Rajasthan, UP, MP, Maharashtra & Gujarat (Source – www.ireed.org MNRE GOI). Likewise, the tariff for co-generation was also the lowest in comparison to tariff in above mentioned states.

This downward trend of tariff is a sign of progressiveness towards reaching grid parity for RE technologies.

The order can be assessed here.