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Gujarat announces solar power policy, 2021

With the aim of becoming a primary contributor to the national target of 100 GW solar capacity by 2022, the State Government of Gujarat introduced the “Gujarat Solar Power Policy 2021” on 29th December, 2020. This policy will remain in operation upto 31st December, 2025.
The policy categories the benefits based on the type of Project. Following table comprises the summary of benefits given to various kinds of projects:


Project for Residential Consumers Project Under Captive Use Project Under Third Party Sale Projects under REC mechanism Solar projects for RPO compliance
Capacity Restriction No restriction on installed Capacity No restriction on installed Capacity No restriction on installed Capacity Up to sanctioned load/Contract demand No restriction on installed Capacity
Capacity Subsidy As per GOG scheme announced from time to time
Third Party Sale Allowed
Energy Accounting
As per billing cycle
For HV/EHV consumers: For HV/EHV consumers:
15-minute time block basis
15-minute time block basis
Energy set off, Between 07.00 hours to 18.00 hours of same day Energy set off, Between 07.00 hours to 18.00 hours of same day
For LT demand based consumers: For LT demand based consumers:
Energy set off, Between 07.00 hours to 18.00 hours in the billing cycle Energy set off, Between 07.00 hours to 18.00 hours in the billing cycle
For LT other than demand based consumers: For LT other than demand based consumers:
Energy set off shall be on billing cycle basis Energy set off shall be on billing cycle basis
Surplus Injection Compensation
For Self consumption: For MSME:
75% of simple average of tariff discovered in GUVNL bid
65% of simple average of tariff discovered in GUVNL bid
75% of simple average of tariff discovered in GUVNL bid
Rs.2.25/Unit for first 5 years, thereafter 75% of lowest tariff discovered in GUVNL bid Rs.2.25/Unit for first 5 years, thereafter 75% of simple average of tariff discovered in GUVNL bid
For third party sale For others:
75% of lowest tariff discovered in GUVNL bid 75% of simple average of tariff discovered in GUVNL bid
Banking Charge
MSME units and other than demand based consumers: MSME units and other than demand based consumers:
Rs.1.10/unit on energy consumed Rs.1.10/unit on energy consumed
For demand based consumers For demand based consumers
Rs.1.50/unit on energy consumed Rs.1.50/unit on energy consumed
For Government buildings: For Government buildings:
Exempted Exempted
Transmission & Wheeling Charge None As decided by GERC from time to time As decided by GERC from time to time As decided by GERC from time to time As decided by GERC from time to time
Cross subsidy & Additional Surcharge NA for Self consumption, Applicable for third party sale Exempted As decided by GERC from time to time As decided by GERC from time to time NA for Self consumption, For third party as decided by GERC from time to time
Electricity Duty As per provision of Gujarat Electricity Duty Act, 1958 As per provision of Gujarat Electricity Duty Act, 1958 As per provision of Gujarat Electricity Duty Act, 1958 As per provision of Gujarat Electricity Duty Act, 1958 As per provision of Gujarat Electricity Duty Act, 1958

As per the policy, Gujarat energy development agency(GEDA) will be the state government nodal agency for the following activities:

  1. Registration of projects
  2. Accreditation and recommendation of solar projects for registering with central agency under REC mechanism
  3. Certifying the commissioning of solar projects

In order to encourage small scale solar projects, Policy suggests that the power Distribution Companies will now purchase power from these small-scale solar projects (up to 4 MW) at 20 paise / unit tariff higher than tariff discovered through competitive bidding while DISCOMs will purchase solar power from projects above 4 MW capacity through competitive bidding process. Apart from that, Security deposit to be furnished by developer to DISCOMs for PPA has been reduced from Rs 25 lakh/MW to Rs 5 lakh/MW.
It is important to note that Gujarat has already installed over 3200 MW of Solar PV until 2020 and the recent policy has been published with the aim of rapidly scaling up the state’s solar energy capacity.