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Govt. pushes for stronger RPO enforcements

The Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE) has written to Ministry of Power (MoP) to include stronger enforcement provisions in the Electricity Act itself, which at present is absent.

An article in Business Standard, quoted Joint Secretary of MNRE saying the following, at an event:

“What we have requested is that the Electricity Act itself should mention about RPO… Or there (should) be some other alternative, so that it becomes binding. Also the enforcement provision should be more stronger,”.

He also called for greater investments in renewable energy sector of India.

REC markets have been performing poorly. In January 2014 also, which was 1st month of last quarter of FY14, the volumes remained far from encouraging and resulted in continued clearing of RECs at floor price. More insights can be learnt by clicking here – REC Trade Report – January 2014.

According to recent details made public by Hon’ble MNRE, as on 31st January 2014, the total grid connected renewable capacity of the country has touched 30 GW. However, the achievements highlighted are only around 50 % of the target for the year. The details can be accessed here – MNRE – Physical Progress (Achievements).