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GERC Determines tariff for small hydro power projects for FY 2016-17

The GERC (Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission) on 14th?December 2016 finalized the tariff for Renewable Sources of Energy (small, mini & micro hydro projects). The tariff will be applicable for the projects to be commissioned during the year 2016-17.
Previously in the September 2016, the commission notified a draft for the determination of the RE tariff and invited comments and suggestion. After considering all the submitted comments and suggestions the commission has come out with the final tariff. The brief details of the tariff finalized are provided in the table below:

Wheeling of power for third party sale from the small hydro projects will be allowed on payment of transmission charges, wheeling charges and losses of energy fed into the grid, as applicable to normal open access consumers.
The small hydro projects who desire to wheel electricity under third party open access has to pay 50% of cross subsidy surcharge as applicable to normal open access consumers. Also, additional surcharge as determined by the Commission from time to time shall also be applicable for selling power to third party under open access.
The regulation can be accessed here.