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GEDA is Directed to Monitor RPO In Gujarat

The Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission (GERC) has directed the state nodal agency GEDA to the renewable power purchase obligation on regular basis and submit the report to the Commission quarterly basis.
We believe this is an encouraging step, albeit a small one towards enforcement of RPO regulations. A major shortcoming in the Gujarat regulation is that captive and open access users currently do not have any obligation. The regulation states:

Clause 1(iii) – These Regulations, excluding clause 8 shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Gazette.

Clause 8.1 – The quantum of RPO mentioned in clause 4.1 shall be applicable to captive and open access user(s)/ consumer(s) from the date as would be notified in the Official Gazette.

Till date the separate gazette notification for captive and open access users has not materialized.
Try India’s First Online RPO Calculator here