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EIB, SBI & YES bank come together for financing RE projects in India

The Europen Investment Bank has confirmed to work along with State Bank of India and Yes Bank on increasing its support in terms of investment to RE projects in India. The EIB has decided to provide investment in the Onshore lending program with SBI. The finance organization has also approved a new credit line with Yes Bank in order to accelerate private investment in the RE sector.
At a recent conference held in New Delhi, the Vice President of EIB confirmed the news of financing the clean energy projects. “Scaling up renewable energy investment is crucial for economic growth, improving access to energy and addressing climate change and support for renewable is a key priority for the European Investment Bank, the EU Bank, here in India. The EIB is pleased to host our first offshore wind investment conference in New Delhi and bring together technical and financial expertise from across India and the European Union’s unique global experience in the sector. We look forward to broadening cooperation with Indian partners to support new renewable energy projects in the months ahead and enabling offshore wind to contribute to clean power generation in the country.” said Andrew McDowell, Vice President of the European Investment Bank responsible for Energy and South Asia.

“The European Union and India share a common goal of tackling climate change. India has huge renewable energy resources and harnessing India’s abundant natural resources is crucial for sustainable development. Supporting energy investment is a key focus of the European Union’s India strategy announced this week and my colleagues are working closely with Indian partners to further develop India’s offshore wind sector. ?Today’s conference demonstrates the European Union’s firm commitment to support expansion of clean energy in India and as the Bank of the European Union, the European Investment Bank, has a unique technical and financial experience that is already backing transformational renewable energy projects across the country.” said H.E. Tomasz Kozlowski, European Union Ambassador to India.

Several Government officials, policy experts, business leaders and financial professionals associated with the sector attended the conference. EIB has a decent experience in supporting the expansion of offshore wind over the last 15 years and the conference enabled experience from successful offshore wind investment to benefit India. The agreement signed between EIB and SBI includes promoters of onshore wind projects being able to benefit from long-term low-cost financing under a dedicated EUR 600 million renewable energy financing programme already providing support to large-scale solar investment across India.
Ever since the support for climate-related investment became a formal priority in 2010, the EIB has invested over EUR 130 billion globally, supporting more than EUR 600 billion in climate action investment.