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KERC Proposes Amendments to RPO Regulations

KERC has notified First Amendment to KERC (Procurement of Energy from Renewable Resources) Regulations on May 30th 2011. The draft of the proposed amendment is available in www.kerc.org. The highlights of the amendment are:

  1. RPO obligation is on captive plant or plants which are grid connected only .Hence non grid connected captive plants are free from RPO obligation in Karnataka state.
  2. The obligation of distribution licensees to purchase electricity from solar energy may be fulfilled by purchase of solar REC’s only. In case of non-availability of Solar REC’s in a particular year ,then in such cases the same obligation can be fulfilled by purchase of other renewable sources of energy or non-solar REC’s.
  3. Pooled cost of purchase has been clearly defined in the amendment which was missing in the regulation as-
    Pooled cost of Purchase means ‘the weighted average pooled price at which the distribution licensee has purchased the electricity including cost of self generation if any, in the previous year from all the energy suppliers, but excluding those based on liquid fuel, short term purchases and renewable energy sources‘. 
    KERC has invited written comments/views/suggestions on the proposed amendment latest by June 21.06.2011 from interested parties.
    – Contributed by Jyothi B