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DERC to Finalize Solar Tariff Soon

According to an article in Times of India, it is expected that the DERC (Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission) may soon finalize Solar Tariff Regulation, by the end of this month. It will define the regulation for net metering and solar rooftop in the state.

This will allow private entities and individuals to setup rooftop solar for their use and feed the excess power to the grid, with settlement done using Net Metering.

The net metering proposal is at an advanced stage. It’s likely to be released this month. It’s meant for anyone who plans to supply renewable energy to the grid. For large private players, the tariff will be decided on a case-by-case basis depending on capital cost and the solar regulations we have. For individuals, the energy they produce can offset their electricity bills“, said DERC chairperson P D Sudhakar.

DERC is also working on the subsidies and the incentives to be given.

According to our analysis, in a state like Delhi, where RE generation is still lacking, this regulation will fuel up the RE generation and may bring a positive changes. Also recent tariff hike in Delhi may lead to domestic and commercial consumers to switch to Rooftop Solar, with Net Metering. This Regulation may also help Discom’s, which are currently suffering from poor RPO compliance. We expect the Solar Tariffs to be equivalent to the tariffs prescribed by CERC, or maybe higher, so as to encourage small consumers to go for solar rooftops.

The Media article can be read here.

Our previous blog on DERC tariff hike can be read here.